2022 Will Be Pivotal For Trump 2024

After the January 6th incident the establishment is eager to paint every MAGA supporter as an insurrectionist and get back to business as usual.
The elites who run Washington would like nothing more than to forget the last four years and let their grifter stooges take back the Capitol to do their bidding. However they have underestimated the strength of movement President Trump revealed and the upcoming 2022 midterms will put the America First agenda to the test.
Several America First candidates have already declared their intention to run for office or to challenge Trump-hating incumbent Republicans in party primaries next year. Catalina Lauf a 27 year old Latina woman is running in Illinois against incumbent Republican Adam Kinzinger. Mo Brooks a six term congressman and avid supporter of President Trump during his administration has declared his intent to run for an open Alabama Senate seat. Brooks has recently received an endorsement from President Trump in his bid for Senate. These and other races are sure to be closely watched in the upcoming election cycle. President Trump has already stated that he intends to be closely involved in Republican politics and will support Republican primary challenges to the RINOs that opposed him and his agenda.
There is no one that is going to be watching these midterms more closely than President Trump. If the America First candidates are overwhelmingly successful and the Republicans get both the House and Senate back then we are going to see a re-energized wave of American populism sweeping the country. If Trump decides to run after such a huge success, it will be apparent by late 2022 or early 2023.