90% of State Legislators Born Outside of the US are Democrats
A story by Axios highlighted how of the nearly 300 foreign-born state legislators holding office across the United States, roughly 90% are Democrats.
Axios drew this story from a report the New American Leaders group conducted which showed that the bulk of newly elected foreign-born state legislators belong to the Democratic Party. More importantly, they represent Democrat districts.
Less than 10% of these legislators are Republicans. Per the New American Leaders’ analysis, black immigrants in office are all Democrats.
Per the Axios report, foreign-born voters “are among the fastest-growing portions of the electorate” as the nation’s “demographics change. …”
John Binder of Breitbart News noted that this analysis was released at a time when America’s foreign-born population reached a record-level 47 million under the Biden regime. Binder added that “In swing states, newly registered foreign-born voters often outpace electoral margins, suggesting their significance in swaying state and federal elections.”
The dirty secret of American mass democratic politics during an era of mass migration is that regions with sizeable foreign-born populations tend to be on the fast track to Democratic control.
Binder cited one breathtaking example from The Atlantic, where writer Ronald Brownstein discovered that 90% of House congressional seats with a foreign-born population that is above the national average fall into the Democrat’s hands.
In other words, as Binder spelled out, “This means every congressional district with a foreign-born population exceeding 15 percent has a 90 percent chance of electing Democrats and only a 10 percent chance of electing Republicans.”
Democrats understand the demographic aspect to mass migration. It’s their one-way ticket to electoral hegemony, rendering the Republican Party irrelevant at the national level.
The way that we can prevent Democrats from electing a new people is by adopting an immigration moratorium, ending chain migration, ending birthright citizenship, implementing E-Verify, and fully enforcing current laws against illegal immigration.
Anything that falls short of this will result in the veritable disappearance of the Historic American Nation.