A Jan. 6 Political Prisoner is Targeted for Imprisonment by Federal Thugs for Accessing News Updates on His Phone

Douglas Jensen, a Jan. 6 political prisoner, may be locked up very soon for accessing news videos on a smartphone.
Federal thugs are calling for Jensen’s pretrial release to be revoked, putting him behind bars pending trial, because he looked at videos from the Rumble alt-video platform in his garage at his own home.
“A mere thirty days after his release from the D.C. Jail, defendant Douglas Jensen was found alone, in his garage, using a WiFi-connected iPhone to stream news from Rumble,” U.S. authorities wrote in their motion to lock Jensen up.
“When confronted about this obvious violation of his release conditions, defendant provided his Pretrial Services Officer with one excuse after another,” they added.
This humiliation ritual, emblematic of a Soviet-era show trial, is par for the course from the deep state under the Biden regime. They made it clear in their motion that the persecution aimed toward Jensen is based around demonizing and criminalizing the spread of “conspiracy theories,” as part of their agenda to destroy the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.
“In his bond motion, Jensen claimed he had come “full circle” – that he feld “deceived by QAnon’s conspiracy theories, and that he “recogniz[ed] that he bought into a pack of lies.” But Jensen’s swift violation confirms what the Government and this Court suspected all along: that Jensen’s disavowal of QAnon was just an act; that his alleged epiphany inside the D.C. Jail was merely self-advocacy; and that, at the end of the day, Jensen will not abandon the misguided theories and beliefs that led him to menacingly chase U.S. Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman up the Senate staircase on January 6, 2021,” the U.S. government wrote.
“Jensen’s claims of reform cannot be credited, nor can he be trusted to abide by this Court’s orders. Jensen is already subject to the highest degree of supervision, which means there are no additional conditions of release that this court can impose to protect the public from Jensen or to ensure compliance with the Court’s release conditions. To allow Jensen to remain on pretrial release would be to repose trust in an undeserving individual who has already proven himself unwilling to modify, much less rethink, his behavior after January 6. Jensen remains a danger to the community and cannot be trusted by this Court to abide by any conditions of release,” they added.
Some of the court documents can be seen here:
Big League Politics has reported on how Jan. 6 political prisoners are being tortured by an illegitimate government desperate to inflict terror onto political dissidents:
“Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) have issued a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding answers on the mistreatment of Jan. 6 protesters who participated in the mostly-peaceful rally in and around the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.
“On May 12, you testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee that, ‘if there has to be a hierarchy of things that we prioritize, this would be the one we would prioritize because it is the most dangerous threat to our democracy,’” the letter explains.
“Respectfully, such a sweeping exaggeration can be viewed as nothing more than political hyperbole and a dangerous politicization of law enforcement activities that may punish those engaging in protected speech by lumping them in with those who committed acts of violence,” they added.
Roy and Massie are concerned that the feds are using Jan. 6 as a pretext to rip up the Bill of Rights and Constitution and bring the war on terror to the homeland to be used against American patriots.
“We continue to hear stories of overly aggressive and violent tactics from FBI agents executing arrest warrants on individuals with no risk of violence or who committed mere trespass offenses. And DOJ continues to push for pretrial incarceration of citizens with no history of, or propensity for, violence, only to be rebuffed by judges time and time again. The American people deserve to know why,” they wrote.”
America is no longer a free country, and the mostly-peaceful protest on Jan. 6 has exposed the hands of the feds. It couldn’t be more clear that they are at war with the Bill of Rights and Constitution.