ABC News Changes Spacey Headline To Acknowledge Sex Abuse Allegation

Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey is under fire after actor Anthony Rapp accused him of trying to have sex with him in a bed when Rapp was fourteen years old.
Spacey did not deny the allegations, instead issuing a statement that he does not remember the alleged drunken encounter and trying to garner sympathy for himself by coming out as gay.
Spacey’s “Coming Out” ruse was reported straight by outlets including ABC News, which ran the headline:
Wait. This is how @abcnews frames the Kevin Spacey issue? What??? Cc @yashar
— Brandon Darby (@brandondarby) October 30, 2017
Breitbart’s Brandon Darby caught this travesty on Twitter, which was promptly re-tweeted by many others including Big League Politics.
The gay community piled on Spacey, accusing him of equating homosexuality with pedophilia. News outlets were raked over the coals for even thinking about reporting Spacey’s “coming out” party, well, straight.
ABC News changed its headline on the Karma Allen piece, which now reads, “Kevin Spacey apologizes, comes out as gay after allegation of sexual advance on 14-year old.”
But the Internet is forever.
Netflix is under Twitter pressure to fire Spacey from its Washington political melodrama “House of Cards,” on which he plays the President of the United States.
Here is Spacey’s full statement in his defense:
— Kevin Spacey (@KevinSpacey) October 30, 2017
Spacey, like Harvey Weinstein before him, is quickly becoming a villain on the social-justice left, which does not bode well for his pastime as a high-profile Democratic booster and Bill and Hillary Clinton crony.
Anthony Rapp: "Kevin Spacey tried to rape me."
Media: "Kevin how do you respond?"
Spacey: "uuh…uuhh… Hey everyone I'm gay!"
— Ethereal bisexual who wears mostly black (@Travon) October 30, 2017