Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco to be Renamed Because Black Lives Apparently Didn’t Matter to Him

A high school in San Francisco named after Abraham Lincoln, our nation’s sixteenth president, will soon be no longer because he apparently failed to demonstrate that “black lives mattered to him.”

The San Francisco Unified School District evidently does not think that the freeing of the slaves after the Civil War and the ratification of the 13rd through 15th amendments to the US Constitution represents a sufficient legacy for them.

The district isn’t even stopping there. The scrapping of Lincoln’s name will be just one of 44 changes they’re making. George Washington and Herbert Hoover will see their names erased from schools too. Even Dianne Feinstein won’t be spared: she will no longer be named after an elementary school because she ostensibly voted to keep a Confederate flag flying outside City Hall in 1984. (Snopes calls this an unproven allegation, but the San Francisco Bay View begs to differ.)

Last week Big League Politics wrote an article about a Virginia district renaming Thomas Jefferson Elementary School and George Mason High School because the two men were slaveholders:

The Falls Church City Public Schools board voted unanimously to rename the schools, despite 56 percent of respondents in a voluntary survey saying that the names shouldn’t be changed. The 44 percent who thought they should change mostly cited Jefferson and Mason’s slaveholding and that it “could make students feel marginalized and uncomfortable.”

Thomas Jefferson is a familiar name for his authorship of the Declaration of Independence and his presidency, whereas George Mason is not nearly as well-known and has been referred to as the “Forgotten Founder.” Mason was a principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which significantly influenced the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution. Interestingly enough, he refused to sign the Constitution because it lacked such a bill of rights at first. It wasn’t until 1791, a year before his death, that the Bill of Rights was ratified.

Both Jefferson and Mason opposed slavery on moral and intellectual grounds, but they did not feel they could personally extricate themselves from the practice because of their heavy reliance on slave labor for the operation of their estates.

These people have to be stopped at some point. Men of good character simply cannot let these destructive ideologues transform every nook and cranny of our society. They despise our history and our heritage. They’re openly anti-American in word and deed. We’ve had enough.

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