AGAIN: Liberal Activists Demand Erasure of American History with Destruction of Monument

According to a report from News4Jax, a state representative has indicated that she will push for the relocation of a monument commemorating Confederate soldiers that is currently at the Florida State Capitol.

This monument was dedicated in 1882. In 1923, it was then moved to what is now the Old State Capitol.

The words inscribed into the stone monument are in memory of men who fought for Florida during the Civil War.

David McCallister, a representative of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, said “Floridians served all across the theaters of war.”

McCallister has connections to soldiers who fought on both sides of the Civil War.

He added, “These monuments represent the men who served their state and defended their families.”

However, the social justice advocate Lakey Love views the monument differently.

She says that the monument represents “Inequity and violence against black and brown people in this country.”

Democratic State Representative Geraldine Thompson said that she has plans to work with the Governor’s office and possibly introduce legislation to move the statue. She indicated that she would move the statue inside of the Old Capitol, which has been turned into a museum, or to a Confederate cemetery.

Naturally, McCallister criticized the desire to relocate the monument.

“It’s hateful. It’s representative of a far radical left wing agenda,” McCallister claimed.

McCallister may have a point.

Although not as radical of a proposal as monument removal efforts in South Carolina, Virginia, and Oregon, such efforts to move statues because of cultural sensitivity are a part of the political correctness wars.

This proposal would just be the first step. It would then likely be followed up by a full-blown effort to remove the Florida monument.

The Left is playing the long game in these battles and will continue to press on until they achieve their ultimate goal—the destruction of traditional American culture.

These are fights that cannot be ignored.

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