Airing of Grievances: Congressman Goes OFF on Dems and Republicans After House Committee Approves Measure to Include Women in Draft

Congressman Chip Roy blasted both Democratic and Republican colleagues in a fiery Twitter thread on Thursday.
The primary impetus was the House Armed Services Committee’s approval of an amendment to a defense policy bill that would expand the Selective Service System—also known as the draft—to include women. Multiple Republicans crossed party lines to support the measure.
Roy, a Republican who represents Texas’ 21st congressional district in the US House, began his nine-tweet thread by saying he doesn’t trust his colleagues “to do anything at all, much less say you will draft my daughter to ‘non combat’ roles.” Then he went right down the list, airing all the grievances he has with both parties.
“Why I don’t trust you? Let’s see,” Roy began. “Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) have amassed $30 trillion in debt and are blowing through trillions more… all while giving lip service to ‘balanced budgets’ for decades…
“Maybe it’s because you (both R & D) have talked about securing our border while Texans suffer—our ranches, our schools, our hospitals—Fentanyl pouring into our communities… murders, rapes… dead migrants on ranches… all in the false name of compassion…
“Maybe it’s because you (both R&D) politicized a virus… giving us wildly varying propaganda about it’s origins, the nature of it’s communicability, the efficacy of your mandated measures in response including vaccines, and ignoring of treatments…”
Rep. Roy had plenty more to say. He accused Democrats and Republicans of destroying the health care system and making it “impossible to get the doctor of our choice at a remotely affordable price all in the false name of ‘coverage.'”
He also criticized a lack of guidance on what constituted victory in Afghanistan, saying it set the stage for a “gutless president to surrender and empower our enemies,” then turned his attention toward a public education system that has no room for God and teaches children about the alleged inherent evil and racism of America.
“All of DC—all of it—can go straight to hell,” he concluded.