Alabama Pushes Back Against LGBT Agenda, Bans Show Promoting Homosexuality to Kids

Alabama Public Television has declined to broadcast an episode of PBS’s Arthur that promotes same-sex marriage to children.
The episode, which was broadcast into homes nationwide on May 13, showed the title character and his friends celebrating a homosexual wedding between their teacher and his gay lover.
Mike McKenzie, who works as director of programming at APT, decided to take a stand against the LGBT agenda and the indoctrination of children into this lifestyle.
“Parents have trusted Alabama Public Television for more than 50 years to provide children’s programs that entertain, educate and inspire,” Mckenzie said in an email.
“More importantly – although we strongly encourage parents to watch television with their children and talk about what they have learned afterwards – parents trust that their children can watch APT without their supervision. We also know that children who are younger than the ‘target’ audience for Arthur also watch the program,” he added.
Instead of showing the controversial episode promoting same-sex marriage, APT opted to show a re-run of Arthur instead.
Arthur has been pushing this agenda for many years. In 2005, the program pushed lesbianism on children when a character on the show visited a friend who had two mothers. APT also objected to that programming at the time.
“’Our feeling is that we basically have a trust with parents about our programming. This program doesn’t fit into that,” APT’s former director Allan Pizzato said.
This news saddens individuals eager to indoctrinate their children into LGBT, including substitute teacher Misty Souder, who saw leftist virtue-signaling regarding the episode on social media and wanted to be apart of the spectacle.
“I just want her to be aware,” said Souder, who has a nine-year-old daughter she wanted to subject to the program. “There’s too much going on not to stand up for stuff, even if it’s Arthur. I never thought I’d be going to battle for a gay rat wedding, but here we are.”
This is a continuation of LGBT activists deliberately targeting children for recruitment into their lifestyle that can lead to increased rates of mental illness, drug use, criminal behavior, and other harmful consequences.
Because of the LGBT agenda, kids are now the centerpieces at strip shows where they disrobe and gyrate as homosexuals gawk at them and throw dollar bills.
At ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ events throughout the country, convicted child abusers are given intimate access to children to groom them, pervert them, and teach them how to twerk.
By promoting same-sex marriage, PBS’s Arthur is effectively serving as a gateway for precocious children to be seduced into this lifestyle.