Alleged ‘Russian Asset’ Donald Trump to Test Missiles Banned Under Treaty with Russia

President Donald J. Trump’s Pentagon has announced that it will begin testing missiles that are banned under Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, despite the fact that he is, according to the Democratic Party and their propaganda arm in the leftist media, a “Russian asset.”

“President Trump announced in October his intention to withdraw from the treaty because he said Russia was not honoring the agreement. Russia then formally suspended its part of the pact, and the U.S. formally withdrew from it on February 1,” Axios said.

Not only is Trump planning to test missiles disallowed by his supposed Russian handlers, but he also shredded the treaty that disallowed them. For a someone compromised by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump sure seems intent on protecting the United States from the Russian nuclear threat. Go figure.

“The treaty is set to end in August, when the Pentagon plans to test a ground-launched cruise missile with a range of about 600 miles, U.S. military officials who are prevented from being named under Pentagon ground rules told reporters. They plan to test a midrange ballistic missile with an approximate range of 1,800 to 2,500 miles in November,” the report continued.

It’s almost as though the “Russian collusion” investigation is a bogus hoax perpetrated against Trump by Democrats for the purpose of rattling his cage and whipping their easily-duped constituency into an online frenzy.

But hey, let’s not jump to conclusions about Democrat conspiracy theories. It’s Mueller time, baby!

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