America First Military Veteran Joe Kent is Primary Challenging a RINO Who Voted to Impeach Trump

Congressional contender Joe Kent is challenging Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in Washington’s 3rd Congressional district primary. Herrera Beutler is one of the RINOs who led the impeachment drive against Trump.

Herrera Beutler is loathed among the conservative grassroots after her betrayal of her constituents. She actually begged partisan Democrats like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) to give testimony against former President Trump before submitting a comment demonizing him and blaming him for inciting violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Kent explained during a recent appearance on Big League Politics Live that Herrera Beutler has been betraying her party for a long time before she voted to impeach Trump.

“Pretty much any time we’ve needed Representative Beutler to stand tall for an America First agenda item, she has failed to do so,” he said.

“She crossed the aisle and voted with the Democrats to withdraw the emergency status from construction of the border wall and took funds away from the border patrol. So she crossed aisles and took away the ability for President Trump to fulfill that vital national security objective of securing our border,” Kent added.

Kent places the blame on Herrera Beutler for the current border crisis, which has been enabled by her obstructionist voting record.

“She also voted to tie President Trump’s hands if he needed to use the military to quell domestic violence when we saw the riots of this past summer spring up. So, it was a ceremonial Democrat bill that they wanted notification from Congress to put additional roadblocks in for having President Trump call in the military. She crossed the aisle to vote with the Democrats on that,” he said.

Kent explained how it was especially inexcusable for Herrera Beutler to vote with Democrats to enable violence considering how left-wing anarchists have ravaged cities near the 3rd Congressional District with sustained terror campaigns.

“This summer, Jamie Herrera Beutler said nothing. The only time she said anything about the riots was when she took a tool out of President Trump’s tool box voting with the Democrats. She’s just a great case study in why we can’t let the RINOs run this party,” he said.

Kent will make sure that left-wing thugs, such as the violent individuals organizing under the ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter banners, are on the federal radar if he is elected to Congress.

“I think the problem is we just let these bureaucrats come in and talk to us like it’s the word of god. We need to have actual experts come in who have done research in ANTIFA. There are journalists that are out there covering the way ANTIFA communicates and the way ANTIFA is funded. We need to bring them in and have full on-the-record testimony to explain how ANTIFA is actually operating, in particular their funding, and then hold the FBI to account,” Kent said, suggesting RICO organized crime charges or even domestic terrorism charges could be levied against left-wing thugs.

The full BLP Live video featuring Kent can be seen here:

For more information on supporting Kent as he primary challenges Beutler, visit

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