America’s Largest Union Federation Posts Meme Suggesting Beheading Delta CEO
Delta Airlines poked fun at unions with a comical sign suggesting Americans save their money to buy a new video game system instead of paying union dues, and the country’s largest union federation responded with a meme calling for the CEO of Delta’s head–literally.
After individuals started uploading a photo of an anti-union Delta sign that read in bold lettering, “Union dues cost around $700 a year” and in the subtext “A new video game system with the latest hits sounds like fun, put your money towards that instead of paying dues to the union” the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations posted a sign edited in Photoshop in response.
The now-deleted tweet read, “Shame on @Delta, here’s an alternative.” It contained the same sign, edited to show a guillotine instead of a video game controller, and read “A guillotine only costs $1,200 to build” with the subtext “Delta’s CEO made $13.2 million last year. Get outside with your buddies, share some brews–sounds like fun.”
In other words, the AFL-CIO responded to an innocent jibe with a call for a successful businessman to be decapitated in mob violence.
This is not the first time a prominent union has come under fire for seeming to support violence.
Last month, Big League Politics reported that a union thug who supports Sen. Bernie Sanders for president wishes for a “gruesome death” for U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
“I hope she dies a horrible horrible death,” wrote Hetty Rosenstein, according to the New Jersey Globe.
Rosenstein serves as the New Jersey state director for the labor union, Communication Workers of America. This organization is known for its tireless advocacy for a leftist political agenda, constantly agitating for higher taxes, more government spending, anti-discrimination mandates, and other policies to destroy freedom in New Jersey and the rest of the US.
It appears, regardless of which union, the top brass is often full of ill tempered, comedy-hating leftists who do not shirk from calling or wishing for violence.