Another One: Massachusetts Proposes Infanticide Bill

Another New England state has joined the push to make elective abortions legal at all stages of pregnancy – even up to birth.

Sen. Harriette L. Chandler (along with 50 co-sponsors) proposed SD 109 titled, “Remove Obstacles and Expand Abortion Access Act (ROE Act)“, that would allow for abortions in the third trimester and repeal multiple common sense laws.

The proposed bill “rolls back the grave impairment” clause of that restriction, opening up elective third trimester abortions to women whose “mental health” could be “threatened” in any way by carrying her baby – i.e., whenever she doesn’t want to do it anymore. It also allows elective abortions in cases of “lethal fetal anomalies, or where the fetus is incompatible with sustained life outside the womb,” though the law is unclear that “anomalies” that might include,” according to Life News.

Taking it a step further, the bill would make infanticide legal. Life News reports the bill would do away with the current law for medical doctors to “take all reasonable steps…to preserve the life and health of the aborted child.”

This horrific attempt to delete a common sense rule, would make it legal for abortion providers to leave a baby alone to die after a failed abortion procedure. While there are many cases of children who survived abortions, this radical Massachusetts law would mean that could no longer be a possibility.

In addition to allowing for the dismemberment of fully formed babies, the bill would do away with the current law that requires patients under 18 years-old obtain permission from a parent or guardian prior to their abortion. The current law does not consider abortion an “emergency treatment of minors” which minors do not need permission for. The new bill would do away with that clause.

Republican Governor Charlie Baker has not commented on the Senate proposed bill, but he has signed pro-abortion legislation in the past.

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