Anti-Amnesty PAC Stands up to Jared Kushner’s Open Border Shenanigans

In a press release on March 5, 2019, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC warned about an incoming amnesty bill proposal in Congress.

This amnesty bill, which is crafted by President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Democrat big wigs like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and squishy Republicans, is expected to be introduced by March 12.

On February 28, Roll Call magazine revealed that California Democrat Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard intends on bringing back the Dream Act Amnesty legislation on March 12. House Speaker Pelosi has penned the title for this legislation as HR 6.

The Dream ACT/DACA legislation is slated to offer amnesty, jobs, welfare benefits, pathways to citizenship, and voting rights to millions of illegal immigrants who are willing to claim that they were brought to America as minors.

This new bill counts on the support of a broad coalition of interest groups such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce, George W. Bush Center, Soros backed LULAC, and Koch Brothers front groups like Libre Initiative, Americans for Prosperity, and The Heritage Foundation

The President of ALIPAC, William Gheen, spoke out against this proposed legislation:

“This time we are telling Congress and President Trump that their efforts to represent and accommodate illegal immigrants and their employers with Amnesty constitutes taxation without representation for American citizens.”

Gheen added:

“Despite bogus polls to the contrary, most Americans oppose Amnesty and want illegals sent home as our current laws and Constitution require and as Trump promised us during his 2016 campaign.”

ALIPAC plans to disseminate this message to Congress via calls, emails, faxes, and letters today.

ALIPAC has been at the forefront against open borders and defeated similar amnesty bills in DC ten times since 2004. However, ALIPAC lost a recent battle when President Trump and members of Congress snuck an amnesty provision into the latest budget bill that became law on February 15, 2019. All of this was done without any public consent or knowledge.

The anti-amnesty PAC hopes to prevent this same scenario from occurring with the aforementioned Kushner bill.

Any advocate of a rational immigration policy should be rooting for Kushner’s bill to go down in flames. Mass migration, both legal and illegal, comes with notable social and economic costs that will rip apart the very fabric of the U.S.

For the sake of the U. S.’s preservation as a sovereign nation, let’s hope Kusher’s bill dies in Congress.

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