ANTIFA Victim Andy Ngo Fights Back After Fake News Hit Job Smears Him as Right-Wing Extremist


Journalist Andy Ngo, formerly of Quillette, suffered a brain bleed at the hands of ANTIFA terrorists who tossed a milkshake likely containing quick-dry concrete at his head earlier this summer, but that hasn’t stopped the fake news from smearing him as an extremist.

Ngo was shown in a livestream video near Patriot Prayer, a conservative group that stands up against ANTIFA terrorists who regularly lob death threats toward fair-minded journalists like Ngo, as they prepared for a likely confrontation with ANTIFA domestic terrorists in the streets of Portland.

Fake news outlets such as the Daily Beast, VICE, Media Matters and others seized upon this video to detail a conspiracy theory that Ngo was aiding and abetting right-wing extremists, and implied that he deserved the vicious gang attack that left him hospitalized.

Ngo corrected the record and defended his reputation in an op/ed published by Spectator USA.

“In disinformation campaigns designed to destroy a person’s reputation, lies are mixed with kernels of truth to make it difficult for even good-faith readers to discern fact from fiction,” Ngo wrote.

“What is indisputable is that a selectively released, non-continuous video by a pseudonymous Antifa activist on a leftist blog shows me standing near right-wing activists on a street shortly before a brawl on May 1 in Portland. What’s false is the defamatory claim that I had knowledge of a violent criminal conspiracy,” he continued.

Ngo was pilloried by the fake news for cracking a smile while talking to an activist in the area. He compares the ongoing smear campaign against him to what the media did to Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic kids after they were confronted by belligerent race hustler Nathan Phillips.

“When people who are perceived to be right-wing smile, it’s often taken as sinister evidence: remember the Covington schoolboys. A viral post on Twitter took the lie a step further, claiming I was ‘laughing.’ This lie has been repeated unchecked in various ‘news’ stories,” Ngo wrote.

Ngo made the point that he ended up being assaulted by ANTIFA terrorists on the day the video was captured, with masked assailants spraying chemicals into his eyes.

“I retreated from the area, then began to record again while standing behind a van on the street,” Ngo wrote about his reaction following the brawl that day. “It was here that a masked person suddenly ran up and sprayed me point-blank in the face with a chemical that burned my eyes and skin. I was totally blinded.”

Ngo made the point that law enforcement refuses to do anything to stop the ANTIFA terror threat that has taken hold of Portland, likely at the behest of Mayor Ted Wheeler, while the patriots who stand up against them are harshly punished.

“I have repeatedly reported what happened to me to the Portland police that night, but there have been no arrests in relation to my attack, despite several images being provided to authorities of at least one attacker,” he wrote.

“Six right-wing suspects, including Joey Gibson, have been arrested and charged in recent weeks for their alleged role in the brawl. Cider Riot is also suing most of the same individuals in a civil lawsuit for $1 million,” Ngo added.

After the vicious attacks put him in the hospital, Ngo – a homosexual Asian liberal – has become one of the top targets for destruction by the organized Left. They want to destroy his reputation so ANTIFA, guarded by institutional power, can continue their street rampages with impunity.

“To go from being a victim of multiple assaults to suddenly accused of being the violent aggressor or complicit in the acts of others, is the type of gaslighting I am used to by now,” Ngo wrote.

“The ‘damning’ video purporting to show me conspiring in a violent attack, which shows nothing of the sort, is just the latest in a string of lies designed to intimidate me into silence since the brain injury I sustained in June failed to silence me,” Ngo added.

However, Ngo refuses to be silenced or demonized. He will continue his journalistic mission exposing ANTIFA, something that he has arguably been more effective at doing than anyone else, even though it has come at great expense to his own personal safety.

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