AOC’s Immigration Plan: No More Jailing Border Crossers, Fund Caravan Countries

AOC Climate Change Great Depression WW2

New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s four-point immigration plan represents a wish list of desired progressive reforms, spelling out the Democrat immigration agenda in no uncertain terms during this 2020 presidential campaign.

Here is Ocasio-Cortez’s plan, unveiled Wednesday:

On the issue of Ocasio-Cortez and “climate change,” I reported:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s friend who directed her famous “dancing” video from college stands to profit directly from the socialist congresswoman’s proposed “Green New Deal” through his work as a green transportation executive, raising concerns about the fact that Ocasio-Cortez and her friend have both given each other recent professional recommendations. A construction executive who spent years working as Ocasio-Cortez’s father’s office manager also stands to profit from the New York Democrat’s plan, which would result in the re-construction of many buildings around the United States. Sources tell Big League Politics that Ocasio-Cortez’s LinkedIn page is ripe with connections who would benefit from the Green New Deal, as deep research continues into Ocasio-Cortez’s personal and professional relationships with individuals in the green industry and the environmentalist movement.

Ocasio-Cortez’s good friend Julian Jensen filmed her dancing video, in which the young socialist gallivanted on a rooftop.

“We thought it was fun and a great way to showcase your community,” Boston University classmate Eric Baker, who shot the film with Jensen, told BU Today. “If we could jump on the ball, we thought we could do a Boston University mashup. We were student ambassadors at the Howard Thurman Center with Alexandria and others. We decided to make our own version. Julian and I did this from top to bottom, shooting, editing, casting.” Baker confirmed that Cortez was a friend and “sort of the face of the Thurman Center.”

Ocasio-Cortez and Jensen remained close, as evidenced by the fact that Ocasio-Cortez provided Jensen a professional recommendation as Jensen pursued a career in product design.

“He is at once reflective and engaging, all while bringing a design-thinking approach to working with people and teams,” Ocasio-Cortez stated on the About page of Ocasio-Cortez, who was Jensen’s top listed recommender, is identified on Jensen’s website as a current New York congresswoman.

Jensen also provided Ocasio-Cortez a recommendation on LinkedIn, writing, “Gifted instinct, leadership, and intelligence are the words that come to mind when I think about Alexandria. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her for many years, during which we worked together as ambassadors at Boston University and I witnessed her make many different and valuable contributions to the BU community…”

It just so happens that Julian Jensen is now a top executive at a green transportation firm that uses very similar talking points to those employed by Ocasio-Cortez, author of the “Green New Deal.” Both the Green New Deal and Jensen’s company seek to increase ride sharing and national use of public transportation.

The company Goin issued a press release from San Francisco on October 9, 2018, just months prior to Ocasio-Cortez rolling out her proposed legislative resolution. Jensen landed the job just four months after Ocasio-Cortez won her New York congressional primary and instantly became the darling of the Democrat Party.

The press release stated: “Goin, the leading provider of innovative mobility management software and solutions, today announced that Julian Jensen has joined the Goin leadership team as Senior Product Designer. Mr. Jensen comes from an extensive background in design and advertising and will focus on consumer engagement and strategy. Julian is based in San Francisco and will report directly to CEO Justin Bergener.

Julian has been a transit enthusiast from a young age, calling himself a “transportation fan” whose passion started after a train ride with his grandmother. After working in advertising and design for eight years in Boston and Los Angeles, he shifted to product design in San Francisco, specializing in consumer engagement. Julian is passionate about accessible design and will be focused on bringing a broadly accessible experience to Goin’s platform. He has worked on multiple design projects that include futurecasting for transit planning, improving ridesharing experiences for consumers, and refining the visual design experience for riders booking ground travel online.

“Providing a world-class user experience through intuitive design and development principles is critical to broad adoption of mobility services,” said Justin Bergener, Chief Executive Officer at Goin. “Julian brings a robust skill set and significant design experience to our team that will move us forward in providing mobility solutions for all.”

Julian brings a vision to Goin that the future of transportation will be inclusive: providing more coverage to more people than ever before. He foresees that public and private transportation will have a transformative effect on cities in the next decade requiring mobility apps with truly seamless user experiences. Julian intends to shape that future by creating innovative, cutting-edge designs that empower us to use new transit systems and mobility providers more often and become advocates and stewards of our communities along the way.

Goin press release passage ends


Here’s a very similar passage from the Green New Deal resolution, as reported by Streets Blog in February: “The proposed resolution — H.R. 11, titled, “Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal” — was released to the press by freshman Rep. (and national celebrity) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). It offered few specifics, but did call for a new approach to infrastructure that would overhaul “transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing; clean, affordable and accessible public transportation; and high-speed rail.”

Jensen is not the only Ocasio-Cortez friend facing a potential windfall.

Marisol Gonzalez served as office manager and project manager at Kirschenbaum Ocasio-Roman Architects in the Bronx from 1998 to 2011, according to her LinkedIn page.

Ocasio-Cortez’s father was the CEO of that firm until his death in 2008.

Gonzalez now works as Construction Administrator for National Restoration Group, which remodels buildings in New York City like the kind that would be re-modeled to comply with Ocasio-Cortez’s proposed Green New Deal.

“I worked my way up from a part-time receptionist position to a project manager at a small architectural firm. The architects at KOR Sergio Ocasio-Roman and Alex Kirschenbaum who combined had over 50 years experience provided me with the opportunity to learn, grow and prosper in this industry. I became an expeditor to better understand the governing agencies procedures that facilitate construction in N.Y.C. Today, I continue to expand my skill set by working in construction from a contractors point of view by administering all documents from bidding, governing agency submittals, approvals and sign off as well as purchasing all the construction materials,” Gonzalez writes on LinkedIn.

This story is developing…

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