“Appalling to Watch”: Australian News Network Blasts CNN for Sycophantic Coverage of Joe Biden’s G7 Trip

An Australian news anchor and two guests blasted CNN for their fawning coverage of President Joe Biden’s recent G7 trip, calling the network and the American mainstream media in general “stenographers documenting history,” not journalists and reporters covering stories with a critical eye.

“The media has been gushing as their beloved Joe Biden prepares for his trip to the United Kingdom to attend the G7,” said the Sky News Australia anchor filling in for “Kenny on Media” host Chris Kenny.

The show then played two clips from CNN: a recent clip covering Biden’s trip, then another clip from June 2018 covering Donald Trump’s trip. In the former a reporter says, “Joe Biden is stepping onto the world stage for the first time as president, an equal to foreign leaders…” But in the latter a reporter says, “Better put perhaps as G6 versus one.”

“Joe Biden is a lucky person,” commented writer Sophie Elsworth. “He has got all the media on his side, almost all the media, particularly CNN—completely at odds with what they do to Trump. So his popularity surely can only win from this because he’s getting so much positive PR through the journalists who are massive fans of him. It’s really quite appalling to watch. And what happened to straight news reporting, which doesn’t seem to be existent [in America]?”

Nick Cater of the Menzies Research Center added the following: “There are considerable question marks over Biden’s foreign affairs policy; it’s not proven yet. Whereas this was the one area in fact in which Donald Trump did very well: pivoting on China, bringing about the Abraham Accords, which is a big step towards peace in the Middle East. The worry about Biden is whether he really does have control, or really the nerve or the confidence to impose American power in the way that Trump did.”


So true!

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