Archbishop Viganò: We’re Witnessing “Colossal Electoral Fraud,” Pray That We Defeat the Enemy

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written another letter exhorting the American faithful to pray for the country and the defeat of Satan and his works.
Life Site News has the entire letter here. An excerpt follows below:
In truth, for months now we have been witnessing a continuous trickle of staggered news, of manipulated or censored information, of crimes that have been silenced or covered up in the face of striking evidence and irrefutable testimony. We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness. In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil.
Do not think that the children of darkness act with honesty, and do not be scandalized if they operate with deception. Do you perhaps believe that Satan’s followers are honest, sincere, and loyal? The Lord has warned us against the Devil: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).
In these hours, while the gates of Hell seem to prevail, allow me to address myself to you with an appeal, which I trust that you will respond to promptly and with generosity. I ask you to make an act of trust in God, an act of humility and filial devotion to The Lord of Armies. I ask that all of you pray the Holy Rosary, if possible in your families or with your dear ones, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your colleagues, your fellow soldiers. Pray with the abandonment of children who know how to have recourse to their Most Holy Mother to ask her to intercede before the throne of the Divine Majesty. Pray with a sincere soul, with a pure heart, in the certainty of being heard and answered. Ask her – she who is the Help of Christians, Auxilium Christianorum – to defeat the forces of the Enemy; ask her – she who is terrible as an army set in battle array (Song 6:10) – to grant the victory to the forces of Good and to inflict a humiliating defeat on the forces of Evil.
Viganò, despite being Italian, has kept a close eye on US political developments and written much about them. He recognizes that Donald Trump has been fighting “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,” to quote St. Paul. In other words, Trump is engaging in a spiritual battle against the children of darkness who cherish, uphold, and benefit from the globalist political order. And that’s why they are so vehement in their opposition to him.
Big League Politics has published articles about some of Archbishop Viganò’s letters before. In a letter from one week ago he warned of the encroaching dangers of globalism and the “Great Reset”:
The entire letter can be read here. Viganò speaks of a “global plan called the Great Reset, in which a “global élite […] wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations.”
“The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and canceling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against COVID-19 and COVID-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups,” Viganò wrote.
He also calls out Pope Francis, claiming he “has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep Church, who chose him from its ranks.”
Despite painting a bleak picture, in true Christian fashion Viganò offers hope at the end of his letter […]
God bless Archbishop Viganò. We should pray for him, too.