The audit of ballots and computer systems in Maricopa County, Ariz. will continue as scheduled after the Arizona Democrat Party failed to put up the $1 million in bond needed to pause the process.
A judge required that the Democrats put up $1 million in order to put their money where their mouths are and be financially liable if the claims in their latest obstructionist lawsuit turn out to be illegitimate. They failed to put up the cash.
Reports indicated that Democrats sent 73 lawyers to Maricopa County in order to pull out all the stops in an attempt to stop transparency from being achieved. Former president Donald Trump released a comment in response to the news.
“The Democrats, upon hearing the news of the Court Order, have sent 73 lawyers to Arizona in an effort to stop this recount and full transparency because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!” he said.
Big League Politics has reported about the months of voter fraud chicanery in Maricopa County as Democrats have resisted accountability every step of the way:
“The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the Arizona Senate to audit and inspect their Dominion ballot counting machines. They will file a complaint in Superior Court and send a letter to the Senate informing them of their decision.
“I move that we authorize the county attorney to respond to the subpoenas issued by the Senate by filing a complaint in Superior Court and by sending a letter to the Senate as directed in executive session,” Board of Supervisors Vice Chairman Jack Sellers said in a special meeting Friday that was broadcast by RSBN.
On Tuesday Big League Politics reported that the Arizona Senate was going to issue the subpoenas. Senator Eddie Farnsworth (R-Gilbert), the chair of the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee, made the announcement Monday at the end of a legislative session, saying that there is evidence of tampering and fraud.
“We hold and audit and we see what the outcome is. And then we can put this to rest,” he said.
Farnsworth mentioned that he’s trying to “reinsert some confidence in our election process” and that it’s not unreasonable to investigate potential voter fraud—especially when it appears to be swept under the rug and dismissed out of hand as not possibly credible.
“I do have a concern that the county is taking the position that it just can’t happen. There is a litany of white-collar crimes, digital crimes in the history of this country and this world of some very sophisticated people and the victims didn’t recognize it until some future time. I think it’s really, really dangerous for us to say, ‘It can’t happen,’” he said.”
If substantial voter fraud is discovered in the upcoming audit, it could put the results of the 2020 presidential election in jeopardy and expose U.S. democracy as a hollow sham.