Arizona State Student Reporter Who Brought Up Sex Crimes Charges Against Jacob Blake Suing School After Firing

An Arizona State University student who became the target of a campus outrage mob for pointing out Jacob Blake was wanted on sex crimes charges is suing the university, accusing the public university’s radio station of violating her First Amendment rights for purging her from the organization over simply reporting the nature of the allegations against the Blake.
“Always more to the story, folks,” said Klein in an August tweet with a New York Post article on the arrest warrant for Blake. “Please read this article to get the background of Jacob Blake’s warrant. You’ll be quite disgusted.” The warrant in question details allegations from an ex-girlfriend against Blake. She accuses the 29-year old of sexually assaulting her during a home invasion, going on to steal credit cards and a vehicle that did not belong to him.
Rae’Lee Klein had been purged from a university-affiliated radio station, Blaze Radio, for that tweet. The organization’s six-member campus board demanded her resignation for pointing out that Blake- who quickly became a Black Lives Matter martyr- was a rape fugitive when he resisted arrest with a knife and was shot by Kenosha officer Rusten Sheskey.
Klein declined to resign from Blaze Radio after the board’s demand, and the campus baby radio station proceeded to cancel all student programming in response, ensuring that Blaze Radio would only play music.
A university administrator, Kristin Gilger, ultimately interceded on the part of the aggrieved babies, threatening to fire Klein if she declined to accept a transfer to another student job within the journalism school. Klein was fired after refusing to bow to Gilger’s ultimatum.
Klein has now secured the services of lawyer Jack D. Wilenchik, and the attorney has sent a letter to the public university instructing them to either rehire her at Blaze Radio or provide monetary damages for violating her First Amendment rights.
It remains to be seen if ASU’s journalism school is still steadfastly devoted to hiding the (active) sexual assault warrant against Jacob Blake from public view.