Arizona: Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Alleging Maricopa County Rejected Numerous In-Person Ballots

The Trump campaign, together with the RNC, filed a lawsuit Saturday evening which alleges that officials in Maricopa County, Arizona, incorrectly rejected numerous in-person votes.
The lawsuit claims that some voters using electronic machines were warned of a “facial irregularity” or “overvote” in their ballot, but that poll workers told them to “override the tabulator’s rejection of the ballot in the good faith belief that their vote would be duly registered and tabulated.”
However, “overriding the electronic tabulator’s alert automatically disqualifies the putative ‘overvotes’ without without additional review or adjudication,” the lawsuit stated.
The lawsuit continued: “While this safeguard was afforded to putative overvotes cast on early ballots and on Election Day ballots that poll workers properly segregated in a separate repository, potentially thousands of voters across Maricopa County have been disenfranchised by systematic improper tabulator overrides. Upon information and belief, the adjudication and tabulation of these ballots will prove determinative of the outcome of the election for President of the United States in Arizona and/or other contested offices in Maricopa County.”
Thus the election chaos continues in a state Trump needs in order to keep the presidency. On Wednesday night Big League Politics’ Richard Moorhead attended and reported on a large gathering of Trump supporters outside the Maricopa County Elections Headquarters demanding election transparency and supporting the president:
Arizona’s Attorney General is also investigating the use of Sharpie pens to fill out ballots:
Fox News hastily called Arizona for Joe Biden on Election Night, the only major outlet to do so. But just as the election itself is still not over, neither are the results in Arizona.