Arizona Trump Supporters Demand Election Transparency in Rally At Maricopa County Election Headquarters

A crowd of hundreds of Donald Trump supporters gathered at the Arizona State Capital and the Maricopa County Elections Headquarters on Wednesday night, demanding transparency and a prompt disclosure of election and ballot information from the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office.

Many of the demonstrators present alleged election irregularities on the part of the county. Trump supporters spoke of what many are calling ‘sharpiegate,’ in which they allege county election officials directed them to use sharpie markers which some believe may interfere with ballot tabulation.

Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar ultimately predicted that the state would swing to Donald Trump when rural votes were counted, pointing to outstanding ballots in his district’s country of Yavapai.

At one point, the crowd of demonstrators present at the Maricopa Elections Headquarters requested that Congressman Gosar be allowed access to the building to inspect ballot and tabulation operations. The county authorities and Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputies declined to grant the people’s request.

Big League Politics reporter Richard Moorhead was on the scene, documenting the night’s events.

We love Trump! We love Trump!

Liberal media outlets were quick to accuse the peaceful demonstrators of being a riotous mob, but the event was entirely peaceful. Some present decided to carry firearms, but Arizona is an open carry state in which possessing weapons in public is fully legal. Organizers and speakers at the rally consistently emphasized that they reject any election violence, and were calling for election transparency in an act of peaceful free expression.

Big League Politics has previously reported on the track record of Democrat Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes. Fontes was accused of a range of polling place, “ballot curing,” and emergency voting bad practices, with one man claiming to have seen ballots premarked for Democrats in a sworn affadavit referenced by the Arizona Republican Party in a 2018 election audit.

Author Mike Cernovich organized the event. Further election transparency rallies are planned for Thursday and Friday in the game-changing and must-win state, with demand for a timely account from election officials unceasing.


The very latest ballot information release from the Maricopa County Recorder’s office shows Donald Trump receiving approximately 58% of the newest ballots, a figure that suggests the President has a good chance to recover the margin needed to win the state.

The next ballot update will come in almost 20 hours, scheduled for 9PM Arizona time on Thursday.

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