Armed Gunman Storms White House as President Trump Leaves Press Conference to be Briefed and Secured

President Donald Trump was forced to abruptly postpone his press conference today after an armed gunman stormed the White House and was reportedly shot by Secret Service agents.
Trump was taken to the Oval Office until the threat could be neutralized. After the situation was deemed safe, Trump resumed his press briefing and addressed the situation.
“There was a shooting, law enforcement shot someone, seems to be someone, and the suspect is on the way to the hospital,” Trump said.
“It’s unfortunate that this is the world but the world has always been a dangerous place. It’s not something that’s unique,” he added.
Trump refused to ascribe a motive to the shooter, saying that “it might not have had anything to do with me.” He added that he “didn’t even think about not coming back” to the press conference due to fear. The president described what it was like when the secret service official notified him of the threat.
“Just told me when he came up, you pretty much saw it like I did. He said, ‘Sir, could you please come with me?’ So, you were surprised. I was surprised, also. I think it’s probably it’s pretty unusual but very, very professional people, they all do a fantastic job, as you know,” he said.
Trump’s remarks at the press conference can be seen here:
President Trump was rushed out of the White House briefing room Monday evening and later said the Secret Service had shot someone nearby.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 10, 2020
The possible attempt on Trump’s life comes amidst a backdrop of leftist violence that is turning the country upside down. An orgy of violence has been unleashed in the name of the marxist revolutionary organizations, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.
Big League Politics has reported on the terror that has been unleashed in liberal cities nationwide with law enforcement being the focus of their racial-dominance rampage:
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler finally admitted that the ANTIFA criminals responsible for street violence in Portland over the past three months are not “peaceful protestors” on Thursday, condemning the militants in the strongest terms yet. Wheeler had previously been a staunch apologist for the street criminals.
“This is not peaceful protest… This is not advocacy to advance reforms or transform any system.”
Wheeler’s remarks in the Thursday press conference come a night after an ANTIFA mob attempted to set fire to a Portland Police Bureau building in South Portland, while many people were inside the structure. The mob of leftist miscreants has swiftly moved on to Portland police buildings.
In a surprise to no one, criminal activity and dangerous left-wing street riots have continued after the City of Portland finally accepted responsibility for its obligation to secure the Hatfield Federal Courthouse from ANTIFA militancy and political violence. Wheeler had falsely claimed that the rioters were only acting out because of the deployment of federal law enforcement to Portland, an assertion promptly disproved as the rioters have continued to commit crimes this week.
ANTIFA militants were seen attacking a woman at her own home in South Portland on Wednesday, targeting the middle-aged woman for supposedly wearing a “Nazi” armband.
It’s rich for Wheeler to make any claim that his city administration opposes the left-wing terror, after carrying water for the ANTIFA mob for weeks as federal authorities sought to repel attacks on the courthouse.
President Trump has a mandate to restore law and order on the streets before the nation completely descends into mayhem and lawlessness.