Art Institute Of Chicago Fires All Volunteers For Being TOO WHITE

Chicago has been known for being an exciting and vibrant place to live, so much so that the city’s population has declined by nearly a million inhabitants since the 1950s and now has barely as many people as it did in the 1920s. Many speculate that this is due to the unreasonably high living costs and uncontrollable crime, but noticing this is apparently politically incorrect. And in the spirit of political correctness, the Windy City has given America yet another gesture of blatant yet acceptable racism.

According to Chicago Now, the Art Institute of Chicago will be letting go of all 82 of its docents, volunteers who trained for years and commit a considerable amount of time to the non-profit organization, because there were apparently too many White women amongst the volunteers for the new executive’s taste. As a result, the docents will be replaced by a “limited number of paid educators,” who will be selected using “an income equity-focused lens” in the name of diversity and inclusion.

This comes as quite the slap in the face of the outgoing docents as becoming one required a significant time investment, which comes as all the more astonishing given the voluntary nature of the roles. Would-be docents would first attend two training sessions a week for a total of 18 months, after which they would undergo “five years of continual research and writing to meet the criteria of 13 museum content areas” (quote from the docents’ letter to the Director of the AIC). After that ordeal, docents were then required to provide two one-hour tours a day for a minimum of 18 weeks out of the year as well as a minimum of 24 one-hour tours centered around adults and/or families. The average length of service of the outgoing docents was allegedly 15 years.

Inevitably, the high bar of effort and service being asked of these volunteer positions meant that the people who were able to set aside so much out of their week without compensation were elderly White women, something that incoming executive Veronica Stein was apparently displeased about.

The incoming paid educator positions the Art Institute of Chicago has established will pay educators $25 an hour for their services. However, some are concerned that the quality of tours will decline considerably for the foreseeable future as the incoming educators will nonetheless need to be trained from scratch without an average of one and a half decades of experience already under their belt.

In an attempt to remedy this, the institute will allow the outgoing docents the opportunity to reapply to these new positions but subject to the new inclusivity standards of the current year instead of the archaic and racist principles of meritocracy that America is well rid of, or so our rulers tell us.

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