ART OF THE DEAL: North Korea Frees Three U.S. Prisoners

ThEarly Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump dropped major news that three U.S. citizens currently being held in North Korea have been freed. They are currently on their way back to the United States, traveling with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

This appears to be a direct result of the meeting Pompeo held with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un. The three former captives will arrive to the U.S. at 2:00 AM EST on Thursday.

Always showing great strength and stamina, President Trump will be there to welcome them home at the late hour.

The three men being released are named Tony Kim, Kim Hak-song, and Kim Dong-chul.

This is a major development showing that Kim Jong Un is serious about making a fair deal with President Trump. Kim has already made statements that he is willing to denuclearize his country.

It is remarkable how well President Trump’s strategy with North Korea is playing out. Just last year Kim Jong Un was constantly threatening the world with nuclear war. Now there are no threats coming from North Korea, and only promises to correct their behavior.

We have the best President, don’t we folks?

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