Avenatti: 2020 Dem Candidate ‘Better Be A White Male’

Shady barrister Michael Avenatti expressed some racially charged opinions about the Democratic party’s presidential nominee for 2020.
“I think it better be a white male,” he said. “When you have a white male making the arguments, they carry more weight. Should they carry more weight? Absolutely not. But do they? Yes.”
According to Avenatti, his successful representation of Stormy Daniels and “immigrant mothers” is owed to his white skin. Whether his representation of Daniels has been “successful” is up for debate.
The crass attorney’s comments were made in during a profile interview with TIME. The piece details Avenatti’s low points as a lawyer including his bankruptcies, his formerly-lavish lifestyle, his rise to national prominence, and most importantly his potential bid for president in 2020.
“When Avenatti started thinking about running for President, his first call was to David Betras, a lawyer in Youngstown, Ohio, and chairman of the Mahoning County Democratic Party,” the piece said. In July, Avenatti flew to eastern Ohio for dinner with Betras, then returned for his first political appearance, an annual dinner for local Democrats.
The piece finished:
If the Avenatti boomlet is real, so too is the fact that many Democrats have little appetite for his antics. Some accuse him of sealing Kavanaugh’s confirmation: Swetnick’s claims were repeatedly cited by Senate Republicans, including the key swing vote, Susan Collins of Maine, as self-evidently absurd, and Avenatti’s role as discrediting. But these are dangerous times to ignore the power of desperate partisans. As Republicans have discovered, outsiders sometimes see things the Establishment can’t: its blind spots, its assumptions, its blithe confidence in a hollow status quo. Even Avenatti’s critics have to concede he’s won many of the battles he’s taken up so far. He fights, and he wins: to many of the beleaguered party faithful, that may be enough.