BASED: Heroic Tennessee Pastor Says He Will Boot Mask-Wearers From His Church
A Tennessee pastor is threatening to boot individuals wearing masks from his church and is drawing nationwide controversy and praise as a result.
“If they go through round two and you start showing up [with] all these masks and all this nonsense, I will ask you to leave,” said Pastor Greg Locke, who has a congregation near Nashville, to his churchgoers on Sunday, according to the Lexington Herald Leader.
Locke made it clear during his Global Vision Bible Church service on Sunday that he was no longer going to tolerate Democrat tyranny regardless of whether or not more mask mandates were implemented.
“I am not playing these Democrat games up in this church,” he said.
“I ain’t playing these stupid games,” he added, according to the report. “A bunch of pastors talking about how much they want to see people heal and they’re afraid to baptize people because of a delta variant — I’m sick of it.”
Locke resisted COVID-19 mandates from the earliest days of the pandemic. He said last July that he refused to comply with shutdown orders.
“We are staying open. You ain’t gotta wear a mask. We’re not social distancing,” he reportedly said at the time.
Big League Politics has reported on how COVID-19 has been used as an excuse on a worldwide basis to shutdown Christianity and punish individuals practicing the faith:
“GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta was raided by Canadian authorities on Wednesday after the church had refused to comply with senseless COVID-19 edicts that trample upon the rights of Christians to worship.
They also fenced off the property in an attempt to keep Christians from being able to venerate Jesus as their savior. The church is led by Pastor James Coates, who has already served 35 days in jail because of his defiant stand against public health tyrants.
Canadian authorities are making it clear that they are not finished punishing Coates and his flock. Like the Chinese Communist Party, these Canadian authorities want to send a message to Christians across the country that their master is the state, not Christ…
The COVID-19 scamdemic has given Canadian bureaucrats the perfect opportunity to crack down on Christianity, but they were persecuting Christians long before the virus ever emerged out of Wuhan…
Canada is particularly far gone as a nation, but the rest of Western Civilization is not far behind them. If more Christians do not stand against government tyranny (as Polish Christians did heroically on Easter) and do so quickly, their religious liberties will be gone forever.“
More pastors need to follow in Locke’s example if Christianity will survive for future generations. Christians need to find their courage and do so fast to defeat the satanic new world order.