BBC Anchor Chastises Female Guest For Opposing The Expansion Of Britain’s Orwellian Surveillance State

The BBC is frustrated that someone would oppose mass surveillance.

The BBC has long prided itself for being a supposedly unbiased and objective source of news and information, especially vis-a-vis American media. To their dismay, this is a self-assessment that the British public themselves vehemently disagree with. More recently, the government-funded news outlet made yet another visible spectacle of why the skepticism of the British people towards it seems to be very well justified.

According to Summit News, a pompous male BBC anchor attempted to insult his guest, Madeline Stone who is a privacy advocate representing Big Brother Watch, into recanting her imminently sensible stance against expanding mass surveillance on the British public, already the most heavily monitored society after Communist China. Stone’s deftly explained her reasoning, citing the fact that increased surveillance has thus far failed miserably at dampening the violent crime epidemic in many of Britain’s large cities. One potential solution would be to limit migration from countries that are not used to treating women as sentient beings, but that is apparently taboo in polite society nowadays.

In contrast to Stone’s calm and collected demeanor throughout the interview, the BBC anchor seemed to be engaging in something that could actually be described as mansplaining, interrupting Stone several times over the course of the three-minute interview in an attempt to brush off her concerns over the egregious and unnecessary encroachment on the privacy of women.

One of the justifications the BBC anchor used was the apparent voluntary nature of this new surveillance apparatus, with which women would be able to choose to be followed by cameras more intensely should they feel it necessary for their safety. Apparently, the Japanese have discovered a way to ensure large cities are still safe places to live in for single women and that is to train everyone to behave from young, and the results are inconveniently remarkable for the BBC.

Are liberals going to accuse this man of mansplaining anytime soon?

At one point during the interview, the BBC anchor went so far as to say that “I mean this was a fair talking point in the 1990s, but we’ve moved on since then, people are over that now.” as if to overplay his hand and awaken the frogs in the incrementally boiling pot.

The anchor continued to attempt to justify the Orwellian surveillance state by appealing to induced normalcy, saying that “Cameras are on women anyway, whether they ask them to be or not,” seemingly in hopes that people will simply get used to ever-increasing encroachments to their privacy. Considering this is the country that gave the world the Magna Carta, this hope should eventually be dashed.

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