Before ‘Big League’ Border Announcement, Trump Tweets Video of Largest Border Patrol Apprehension Ever
Thursday afternoon, President Donald J Trump shared a U.S. Customs and Border Protection video showing the largest apprehension of illegal aliens ever.
“Yesterday, Border Patrol agents apprehended the largest group of illegal aliens ever: 1,036 people who illegally crossed the border in El Paso around 4am. Democrats need to stand by our incredible Border Patrol and finally fix the loopholes at our Border!” Trump said on Twitter.
A stream of illegal aliens can be seen in the video pouring through an opening in what appears to be a chain link fence. The group can then be seen marching together in the same direction.
The post comes amid reports that Trump is set to make a serious announcement regarding border security, but so far, those reports are varied. A Thursday morning POLITICO report said that Trump was going to announce a ban on asylum for Central Americans. A Thursday afternoon report in The Washington Post said that Trump plans to threaten Mexico with more tariffs if they do not work to secure the border.
Border security initiatives – billed as a top priority by Trump’s presidential campaign, have yet to be realized during his presidency.
Big League Politics reported:
President Donald J. Trump has declared a national state of emergency, for which several heavily-blue states immediately sued his administration. Democrats refuse to budge on the issue, unwilling to secure America’s borders. As illegal border crossings surge, they blocked a meaningful amount of wall funding in the 2019 federal budget.
In what many conservatives see as a colossal failure, the Republican Congress, led by former Speaker Paul Ryan, current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, failed to deliver wall funding to the president’s desk during all of 2017 and 2018, when Republicans held the House, the Senate, and the White House.
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