Berkeley City Councilor Calls Tucker Carlson “White Supremacist Goblin”

A Berkeley, California city councilor denied a request to appear on primetime Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s show on Thursday in prolific fashion.

Rigel Robinson tweeted an email exchange with a booker for Carlson’s show, in which he called the primetime host a “white supremacist goblin.”

The city councilor had sponsored a drive to rename manholes- the term commonly used in the English language for the covers of sewer access pipes on the streets- to “maintenance holes.” According to Robinson, the new word imagined for the the objects is nominally more “inclusive” than its predecessor.

Carlson’s scheduler reached out hoping to book Robinson to explain his move. Robinson flipped out in response, making the leap from gender-neutral language to accusing Carlson of racism in relatively unprecedented terms.

“Unfortunately I won’t be able to come on the show,” Robinson expressed in his email. “Tucker Carlson is a dangerous, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist goblin who I am not interested in engaging with.

The email thread in which Robinson accused Carlson of being a fantasy creature from J.R.R Tolkien’s universe was deleted on Twitter as of Friday morning, and it’s unclear if the tweet was removed by the city councilor or censored by Twitter. Robinson’s affiliation with the progressive left makes the former far more likely.

Although his desperate bid to avoid being questioned on Orwellian redefinition tactics appears to have succeeded for now, the progressive has made it clear that he has no genuine argument for stripping the term “manhole” of its commonly known and traditional title.

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