Bernie Sanders 2020 ‘Win’ in NH Netted a LOSS OF 80,000 VOTES from 2016
Despite a victory in the New Hampshire primary on February 11, 2020, the Sanders campaign should be a bit worried.
Sanders had a relatively lackluster performance this year compared to his 2016 efforts in the New Hampshire primary.
Here’s the facts:
In 2016, Bernie walloped Hillary by 22% in the Live Free or Die state.
That meant that the 2016 Sanders campaign received 152,193 votes according to the state’s official totals.
But flash forward to Tuesday night, Bernie only clocked in right at 76,000 votes.
That’s a loss of almost 80,000 VOTES!
There’s more people from 2016 who decided to vote against Sanders, or not vote at all, than voted for him in 2020.
Bad news for the Bern, no matter how you slice it.
The energy that many Sanders boosters were boasting about heading into the primaries appears to not be present looking at 2020 results so far.
However, President Donald Trump’s performance during the primaries was a whole different story:
Trump received a NET INCREASE of over 20,000 votes from his primary performance in 2016 to 2020.
President Trump received 85.6% of the vote, with 129,696 people voting for him in total.
All in all, things look good for President Trump’s re-election bid.
Nevertheless, he should not let his foot off the gas and continue campaigning on immigration restriction and call out the radicalism of the modern-day Democrat Party.