BETRAYAL: Fox News Host Accuses Trump of ‘Most Direct, Sustained Assault’ on Press Freedom in History

Fox News continues their betrayal of President Donald Trump, with one of their top journalists accusing him of being an enemy of the Constitution in a speech earlier this week.

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace essentially accused the President of being an enemy of the 1st Amendment for going to war with the fake news.

“I believe President Trump is engaged in the most direct, sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history,” Wallace said in a speech on Wednesday before the Washington D.C. swamp at the Newseum.

“Ours is a great profession — maybe the best way to make a living anyone ever came up with. Think of it. We are paid to tell the truth — to cut through all the spin, all the distractions — and tell the American people what is really going on,” he added.

Wallace vowed to make sure that Trump’s war against the fake news would be unsuccessful, making a comment that could be seen as a tacit endorsement of impeachment.

“The bottom line is we’ve seen presidents come and go,” he said. “We will endure. So will freedom of the press. And I am confident — so will the Newseum.”

President Trump has hammered Wallace before for his biased and unfair coverage against him.

Trump has noted that Chris Wallace is doing a great disservice to the legacy of his father, legendary 60 Minutes correspondent Mike Wallace. This notion has clearly angered the Fox News reporter, who has become the network’s top “Never Trumper” with the recent departure of Shepard Smith.

“He often likes to say about me, ‘You know, I was covered by Mike Wallace, I liked him much more,’” the Fox News anchor said in October while meeting with advertisers. “To which my reaction is always: ‘One of us has a daddy problem, and it’s not me.'”

Fox News has been on a rapid downward spiral in recent years, since the retirement of Newscorp founder Richard Murdock. Since the media mogul’s retirement, globalist swamp flunkie Paul Ryan jumped from the House onto the board of Fox Corp. He is leading the network’s anti-Trump agenda:

Fox News is in complete turmoil, as globalists try to seize control of the popular conservative network before 2020 to prevent President Donald Trump’s re-election.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan is leading the charge to turn the network against President Trump. Using his new-found pull as a board member of the Fox Corporation, he is lobbying the company’s executive chairman Lachlan Murdoch to turn the network programming against Trump.

“Paul is embarrassed about Trump and now he has the power to do something about it,” an unnamed Fox executive said to Vanity Fair reporters…

Ryan has openly bashed Trump since he departed from Congress while giving interviewers to members of the fake news media…

“I told myself I gotta have a relationship with this guy to help him get his mind right,” Ryan said to Alberta. “Because, I’m telling you, he didn’t know anything about government … I wanted to scold him all the time.”

Ryan also added, “We helped him make much better decisions, which were contrary to kind of what his knee-jerk reaction was. Now I think he’s making some of these knee-jerk reactions.”

Now that Ryan has power in the Fox Corporation, the network will likely accelerate its left-ward drift. It can no longer be counted on to support conservatism in the age of Trump.

With Tucker Carlson being perhaps the only exception, Fox News has joined the dark side. They no longer stand with patriotic Americans, and Chris Wallace’s shameful deceptions are evidence of that.

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