Biden Brags of European Popularity

America Last Joe Biden brags of popularity in Europe As 74 percent of Americans question his crisis leadership.
Joe Biden boasted Thursday of his popularity in Europe after meeting with leaders of NATO in Brussels. “One of the things that I take solace from is I don’t think I’ll find any European leader that thinks I’m not up to the job,” Joe Biden told reporters during a press conference. “I mean that sincerely.”
Biden spoke to reporters after meeting with European leaders regarding the Russia-Ukrainian conflict. “I’ve been dealing with foreign policy longer than anybody that’s involved with this process right now,” he boasted.
Meanwhile, a recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll shows that 74 percent of Americans doubt Biden’s ability to effectively handle a crisis. Thirty-four percent of Americans have “only some confidence” in Biden’s abilities, while 38 percent said they have “hardly any confidence at all” in the president to handle a crisis.
46 percent of Americans in the poll approve of Biden’s handling of the relationship with Russia, while a whopping 53 percent disapprove.
During his press conference, Biden said he was not worried about reelection but was focused on maintaining Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress.
“No election is worth my not doing exactly what I think is the right thing. Not a joke,” he said. “I’m too long in the tooth to fool with this any longer.”
Like Obama, Biden seems more concerned with international popularity then with reflecting the will of The American people. As long as NATO and The Davos crowd is happy with Biden that’s what’s important to him and the rest of the ruling class.