Biden Regime Threatens China for Jeopardizing ‘Liberal World Order’

With the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine going so poorly, the Biden regime is looking at an even bigger target to provoke in order to enrich defense contractors and swell the size of the deep state: China.

In recent months, Biden and his apparatchiks have become more belligerent toward China, goading them on Taiwan and pumping money and arms into the small island nation. Recent comments from Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicate how the U.S. is shifting their focus from Russia to China.

“I think they want a world order, but the world order that they seek is profoundly illiberal in nature; ours is liberal with a small ‘L.’ And that’s the fundamental difference,” Blinken said.

Of course, what Blinken means by “liberal” is allowing transgender perverts the freedom of expression to groom children with sexual propaganda without their parents being able to do anything to stop it. Since China does not want that cultural poison in their nation, they are on the U.S. Empire’s hit list.

“I think they want a world order, but the world order that they seek is profoundly illiberal in nature; ours is liberal with a small ‘L.’ And that’s the fundamental difference,” Blinken said of China’s ambitions, adding that China “much greater ability certainly than Russia to try to shape what the international system looks like.”

Big League Politics has reported on the Biden regime’s meddling in Taiwan and how that is angering the ruthless Chinese communists:

The Biden regime recently approved the first military aid package for Taiwan that uses Foreign Military Financing (FMF). 

FMF is a State Department program that grants foreign governments money to purchase United States weapons. Per an Associated Press report, FMF is usually used for sovereign, independent states. The US government doesn’t recognize Taiwan as a country. 

American officials informed AP that the only other occasion FMF has been used for a political entity that’s not a nation-state was aid to the African Union, a supranational bloc comprising 55 African states. 

The FMF package is valued at $80 million. However, the Biden administration did not reveal its contents in a notification to Congress. The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act allocated $2 billion in FMF funds for Taiwan. According to Dave DeCamp of, this represents the first time the funds have been used.

This marks just the latest move by the US government to confront China. The mainland Chinese government views Taiwan as a rogue province that must be reunified with the rest of China. While the US arms Taiwan, it does not officially recognize its independence from China. However, recent moves by the US government indicate that the US is pursuing an ever-hawkish line against China by propping up the Taiwanese government. 

Back in July, the Biden regime supplied Taiwan with a $345 million weapons package that used the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) for the first time.”

Don’t be surprised if China releases another bioweapon ala COVID-19 to punish the U.S. for allowing their federal government to run amok. They do not take these insults and slights from the West lightly.

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