Biden White House Staff Beset With Low Morale, Accuse Bosses of Fueling Toxic Environment

Biden administration White House staffers are suffering from an epidemic of low morale and workplace frustration, according to accounts from insiders published in Politico on Wednesday.

An outsized number of White House staffers are looking for other jobs, suggesting Biden’s administration will suffer from larger-than-usual turnover in the first years of his presidency. Staffers say that the more connected Biden operatives are hesitant to build relationship with the younger ones, paralyzing the administration with the brand of toxic insider politics the elite of the Democratic Party is known for.

A lot of the natural coordination that happens in a typically functioning White House has been lost, and there has been no proactive effort to make up for it through intentional team building,” one staffer said.

Being excluded from White House holiday parties has been a particular point of contention for the staffers, who have been either compelled to work during the Christmas and Thanksgiving season events or merely provided the opportunity to enter a raffle for the chance to attend them. Some have been less than thrilled that “DC randos” had the chance to tour the White House’s Christmas display before they even had the chance to see it.

One staffer placed the blame squarely on Biden himself, perhaps recognizing that the President’s reputation of being a genteel old man is nothing more than a fiction perpetuated by the corporate media. “It’s also hypocritical and ironic that a President whose brand is built on empathy and family has staff policies that fly in the face of that brand. It’s not a good look and it’s emblematic of how this place runs.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been consistently accused of presiding over a toxic workplace environment and abusing staff, with officials close to the Vice President frequently accusing her of berating staff responsible for intelligence briefs when she lacks understanding and knowledge of the topics presented. One staffer indicated that Harris was a “soul destroying” boss.

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