Biden’s “Executive Order” Gun Control Agenda-No Vote Needed


While the US government pays billions of your tax dollars to Ukraine to provide weapons to the citizens, the same Gum’Mentis tirelessly working overtime in the United States to remove weapons from your hands.

There will be no Congressional vote *(you will have NO representation), and you will have no say in the matter.

Biden is ruling by executive order.

No amendment to the Constitution is absolute,” The famous Supreme Court case that you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater as part of the First Amendment’s free speech section was cited by Biden.

You can’t yell … ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech.  From the very beginning, you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own. From the very beginning that the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren’t allowed to have weapons. So the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we’re recommending are contrary to the Constitution,” he said.

“Gun violence in this country is an epidemic.  Let me say it again: Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, and it’s an international embarrassment.

Biden’s first Executive Order will make common pistol braces illegal. Currently, over 40 million Americans utilize these devices to keep their guns stable.

His order directs the Justice Department to create a regulation within 60 days that “defines when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively transforms a handgun into a short-barreled rifle subject to the National Firearms Act’s restrictions.”

“The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last year appears to have utilized a handgun with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable,” the White House noted in a fact sheet.

 The alleged gunman passed a federal background check before purchasing his weapon and it’s unclear (to them, anyway) if the new policy could have meaningfully altered the tragedy.

The Biden administration’s second executive order will require citizens to register their “80 percent lowers.” An 80 percent lower, also known as a “receiver blank” by the ATF, is an unfinished receiver that isn’t deemed a firearm until the buyer completes it at home. To scare people, Biden refers to these as “ghost weapons,” yet they are simply modifications for most individuals who enjoy tinkering with their firearms.

We have to admit, however, that coining the phrase “assault” weapons certainly did the trick as far as causing the everyday plebs to panic, so “ghost guns” should become the new hotness.

This widely anticipated move also directs the Justice Department to submit a draft regulation within 30 days to stifle at-home production of so-called “ghost guns,” which can be made with drills and folding machines. Opponents of gun regulation have pushed for the technology.

Anyone from a criminal to a terrorist can buy this kit [and in] as little as 30 minutes put together a weapon,” Biden said. “I want to see these kits treated as firearms.

Thousands of gun owners will also become felons overnight under these two executive orders.

The most widely anticipated move directs the Justice Department to submit a draft regulation within 30 days to stifle at-home production of so-called “ghost guns,” which can be made with drills and folding machines. Opponents of gun regulation have pushed for the technology.

Another Biden rule directs the Justice Department to draft model legislation on “red flag” statutes, which states can choose to adopt. According to the White House information page, “red flag statutes allow family members or law enforcement to petition the court for a court order temporarily preventing people in crisis from acquiring weapons if they pose a danger to themselves or others.”

The president has also stated his desire for a national red flag law, as the whole “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” thingy has proven to be a major thorn in the side of law enforcement.

With Asset Forfeiture being so easily embraced it’s not hard to see this as a logical progression of what the left is doing to this country. What is not so clear is why they are proudly crowing about the Ukrainian citizens defending themselves with firearms at the exact same time they are trying to take ours away.

Unless there might be a point in the future where we might need them.


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