BIG BROTHER: Liberal COVID Skeptic Naomi Wolf is Permanently Banned From Twitter

Liberal author and COVID-19 skeptic Naomi Wolf has been banned from Twitter on a permanent basis shortly after being suspended by the monopoly platform.

Wolf has gained attention in recent months emerging as a prominent critic of COVID-19 lockdown policies. She said during a recent Congressional hearing that she felt officials were going to “re-create a situation that is very familiar to me as a student of history.” 

“This has been the start of many, many genocides,” she said.

Wolf had previously been suspended from the platform, which even offended certain liberals who believe her voice is necessary for public debate. Twitter offered Wolf a token appeal, which was denied, resulting in her permanent banning from the social media provider.

Twitter booted Wolf shortly before she intends to release her new book, Step Ten, that will explain how COVID-19 is being used by elites to grease the skids toward authoritarian fascism.

“A much-hyped medical crisis,” Wolf argues, “has taken on the role of being used as a pretext to strip us all of core freedoms.”

Big League Politics has reported on how Wolf’s worst fears are coming true as COVID-19 is used to morph the West into a horrifying technocracy:

BBC News has laid out their grand vision of the Orwellian “new normal” of what the central planners and technocrats intend society to look like by 2022.

“It’s 2022 and you’ve just arrived at the travel destination of your dreams. As you get off the plane, a robot greets you with a red laser beam that remotely takes your temperature. You’re still half asleep after a long transoceanic flight, so your brain barely registers the robot’s complacent beep. You had just passed similar checks when boarding the plane hours ago so you have nothing to worry about and can just stroll to the next health checkpoint,” BBC reporter Lina Zeldovich wrote.

Zeldovich lays out the reality of endless health checks, breathalyzers with microchips in them, and microscopic ink tattoos to track vaccine compliance. All of this would be required in airports to travel, at first, and then be rolled out as mandatory to participate in normal functions of society.

She notes that the mark-of-the-beast vaccine tracking tattoo has already been tested on animals and corpses, thanks to the generous support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

Twitter is ironically only proving Wolf’s points further by using their monopoly power to crush her freedom of speech.

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