BIG BROTHER: White House Intends to Host Surveillance Summit with Big Tech on Friday
President Donald Trump has warmed to the idea of Big Tech surveillance, despite the fact that it is crushing most of his top supporters, and will host a summit on Friday featuring representatives from the far-left tech monopoly firms to discuss how they can better censor, track and profile so-called extremists on various social media platforms.
“The White House has invited internet and technology companies for a discussion on violent extremism online,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement.
“The staff-led meeting will take place Friday and include senior administration officials along with representatives of a range of companies,” Deere added.
Trump issued a declaration in favor of Orwellian surveillance earlier this week, giving license to Big Tech to continue and ramp up their thought control policies against his supporters.
“The shooter in El Paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate,” Trump said on Monday. “We must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts.”
“We must shine light on the dark recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start,” he added. “The perils of the internet and social media cannot be ignored and they will not be ignored.”
Most disturbingly of all, Trump even called for the feds to work with social media giants to institute a pre-crime detection system of sorts that could profile individuals based on their controversial speech and punish them for wrong-think.
“I am directing the Department of Justice to work in partnership with local state and federal agencies, as well as social media companies, to develop tools that can detect mass shooters before they strike,” Trump said in a speech today.
Trump is now cheering on an agenda spearheaded by his worst enemies, such as globalists George Soros and the Koch Brothers, who held a summit last month to discuss how to crush online dissent in the private sector:
The globalist Koch Brothers have announced recently that they will not be supporting Donald Trump’s re-election campaign with their oligarch money in 2020, and they intend to support Democrats during that same election cycle.
Now, they are colluding with George Soros and other leftist thought-control organizations to enforce corporate censorship on monolithic social media platforms.
The Charles Koch Institute will be sending representatives to the second annual “After Charlottesville Project” in San Francisco, CA on July 17. The event, which is sponsored by Comcast NBCUniversal, the Kresge Foundation and the Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, intends to exploit the tragedy of Charlottesville to push for even more Orwellian censorship.
The Charles Koch Institute will be joined by representatives of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) at the event. The ADL is an anti-conservative, anti-constitutional organization that openly boasts about how it lobbies Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants to censor political dissidents.
Those who expected Trump to take action to combat Big Tech censorship heading into 2020, such as Alex Jones of Infowars, have had their some of their hopes dashed this week, as Trump will apparently be using federal resources to help Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other tech monopolists manifest Big Brother against his supporters.