Billionaire Koch Brothers to Spearhead DACA Amnesty Push

Billionaire heirs Charles and David Koch are gearing up to wage a public influence campaign in favor of granting amnesty to ‘dreamers,’ illegal immigrants brought to the United States at a young age.
TIME magazine reported that the inheritors of the massive Koch family fortune plan to use their extensive political infrastructure to exert muscle with the hopes of securing a legal status for the approximately 700,000 DACA illegals. The political move would come as the latest effort in the Kochs’ long history of seeking to increase levels of immigration to the United States even higher, further than the current record-breaking annual flow.
Formerly holding a prominent role in national Republican politics, the Koch brothers fell into disrepute among conservatives and Republicans for a series of policy views at odds with the everyday citizen, including financial support for wage-sinking mass immigration. The Kochs declined to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, although they had previously been among the most extensive and prolific political donors in the United States.
Although they stood steadfastly against President Trump’s campaign, the Kochs were eager to work with the administration to advance other policy priorities, such as tax cuts and prison reform. With two items knocked off their cafeteria list of preferred policies, the Kochs now seem set to oppose the fundamental American nationalist political agenda of Donald Trump. Sources within the Koch political network described the multi-faceted entity as likely to campaign for numerous open-borders and pro-mass migration Democrats in 2020, while once again declining to support Trump.
While fashioning themselves as “free market capitalists,” the family fortune that the eponymous Koch brothers use to advance their political ideals was obtained through methods foreign to their own conception of free markets, to put it mildly. The founder of the family business, Fred Koch, became a multi-millionaire after accepting a partnership with the Soviet Union under its leader Joseph Stalin to build oil refineries. Somewhat shockingly, the overseas business activities of Fred Koch also included the construction of a plant in National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s.