Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes to Fight Climate Change

A bizarre new video of the globalist World Economic Forum is ordering citizens of western countries to cease washing their clothes in order to fight climate change, following the WEF’s commands that the populace of developed nations eat bugs and renounce all possessions in order to lower carbon emissions.
The strange missive appeared on the WEF’s Twitter feed on Sunday morning.
The World Economic Forum, chaired by infamous “Great Reset” architect Klaus Schwab, routinely insists that decreasing the quality of life of average citizens is the way forward to deter climate change and supposed catastrophe.
Twitter users chimed in to voice their opposition to the WEF’s authoritarianism, making it clear they don’t intend to function as peasants for the corrupt and sinister elites to command in the twisted organization’s sick vision of the future.
While the global elite who make up the World Economic Forum fly around in their private jets never wearing the same clothes twice and doing everything they are telling you NOT to do.
Why? Because you are nothing but a serf to them. Someone that needs to be ruled.
— The Mad King (@Th3MadK1NG) December 26, 2021
This is and always has been about getting the masses to use fewer resources so the elite can enjoy cheaper luxuries. I've no problem with capitalism and markets when they uplift everyone, but this feudalism is the goal of all controlling ideologies (communism and fascism too).
— Chris Bartlett (クリス・バートレット) (@BartlettChrisJ) December 26, 2021
Some noted that the very concept of eschewing the washing of clothes applies almost exclusively to the white-collar “laptop class,” with blue collar workers who are employed in arduous trades likely to face serious health repercussions if they continually wore dirty, soiled and sweaty clothes.
In an acute irony, globalist billionaires and neoliberal politicians routinely utilize private jets to fly into the organization’s yearly Davos conference, releasing more carbon into the environment than the average family does in a year’s worth of laundry. The World Economic Forum has consistently fought against plans that include rolling back perks and privileges for billionaires and elites, hoping to focus environmental policy exclusively on stripping away the fundamental rights of the citizens they consider to be beneath them.
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