BLM May Be Hoarding Even More Cash Than Previously Disclosed, New Records Suggest

The nationally recognized Black Lives Matter group may be sitting on even more cash than previously believed, new records in a report by the Washington Examiner suggest.

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation previously claimed in February 2021 it had spent about a third of a total of $90 million it raised in 2020, leaving approximately $60 million dollars left at the end of the year.

Now, previously unreported IRS records are suggesting that BLM raised nearly $79 million from Democrat fundraising platform ActBlue in 2020 and another $13 million from the same group in 2021.

“It appears that millions of dollars in donations to BLMGNF are unaccounted for,” said Paul Kamenar, the legal counsel for the National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative watchdog group. “Corporations and Foundations usually make their charitable contributions directly to the charity rather than through an intermediary such as ActBlue, which takes a percentage of the gift as a processing fee and is used for small-dollar donations from individuals.”

“The questions surrounding BLMGNF’s finances call for a full independent audit that must be released to the public.”

It is well-known that dozens of large and powerful corporations donated to the arguably terrorist organization in 6 and even 7 figure sums. Unfortunately, the names of the exact companies making such donations remain largely hidden from the public.

BLM also received $66.5 million directly from Thousand Currents in October 2020, just months after they had previously chosen to be sponsored by the Tides Foundation, a liberal dark money organization, in July 2020. Reporting by the Examiner indicated that it remains unclear whether Tides then distributed those funds to BLM or if they still remain in control of the funds.

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, to her credit, acknowledged that her organization has financial reporting issues, although perhaps not in the most eloquent manner:

“I think it’s because Black people in general have a hard time with money,” Cullors said. “It’s a trigger point for us.”

In other related news, BLP covered the arrest of a frequent BLM organizer in February after she received a 6-year prison sentence for committing voter fraud.

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