BRAVE: Ozzy Osbourne Says Trump Can’t Use His Music Anymore

After a Thursday Tweet in which President Donald J. Trump shared an edited video poking fun at MSNBC for technical difficulties during the first Democratic Primary debate, Ozzy Osbourne said Trump can no longer use his music.

The video, created by Carpe Donktum, shows Trump entering the debate stage while MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow struggles with the tech issues.

“Thank you [MSNBC], real professionals!” Trump said in the Tweet, sharing the video.

Osbourne’s 1980 hit “Crazy Train” plays in the background, which apparently aggravated the aging British rockstar.

Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy’s wife, posted an official statement from Ozzy on her Instagram account.

“Based on this morning’s unauthorized use of Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Train,’ we are sending notice to the Trump campaign (or any other campaigns) that they are forbidden from using any of Ozzy Osbourne’s music in political ads or in any political campaigns. Ozzy’s music cannot be used for any means without approvals. In the meantime, I have a suggestion for Mr. Trump–perhaps he should reach out to some of his musician friends,” the post said.

She suggested that perhaps Trump should use songs from artists with whom he is friends, like Kanye West, Kid Rock, or Ted Nugent.

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