BREAKING: President Trump Defeats Nancy In Border Bill Battle

President Donald Trump has forced Democrat House speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass the Senate Republican version of a border funding bill. The $4.6 billion bill allows Trump to state that he is providing financial support for migrant children who — while in Trump administration government custody — can hopefully be removed from the human traffickers who bring many of them to the United States illegally.

NBC News was forced to report: “The vote came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced to cede to Senate Republicans and the Trump administration on a version of the measure that included fewer protections for migrants than Democrats were seeking. The House passed the bill by a 305-102 vote…The Senate overwhelmingly passed the measure Wednesday, putting pressure on House Democrats to accept their version as lawmakers raced to wrap up work ahead of the July Fourth recess. A turning point for Pelosi’s negotiation came Thursday afternoon when a group of moderate Democrats said they would no longer engage in negotiations and that they would only support the Senate-passed bill. In an hourlong phone call with Vice President Mike Pence, Pelosi informed him that the House would accept the Senate bill.”

The crisis on the border is reaching fever pitch, as human traffickers smuggle Mexican and Central American child sex slaves into the country over an open border, with Democrats and their supporters even fighting Trump’s DNA testing to determine whether adults are actually related to the children they are bringing into the States — not surprisingly, human traffickers have already been caught thanks to this DNA testing.

I reported:

A medical professional on the border in Texas told Big League Politics that the crisis is reaching fever pitch, with three individuals now quarantined at a privately-owned hospital in El Paso with an unknown disease. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not even been able to identify the disease the three migrants have, as the military guards the quarantine area.

“There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola. In one facility there are three patients being held because they don’t know what they have. The CDC have been here to assess them. They are isolated, they only have certain specialists who can see them,” the medical professional tells Big League Politics.

“We’ve had an outbreak of mumps over here.”

“What scares me is what happens if we someone come over here with Ebola. We only need one person, and there’s a pandemic.”

“There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body. She was dispatched to a family member. The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala. These are real problems that exist here on the border. There are some people who are trying to leave jugs of water out here for them. A lot of these people come to this country needing help,” the professional stated.

Migrants are obtaining “Rent-A-Kids,” and since Border Patrol cannot perform DNA tests to determine if children are related to adults most of the human traffickers get into our country.

“In Juarez, there is a huge influx of Cubans right now. They have taken over the streets and started a prostitution ring among them. The Cubans cannot cross here. If they have Cuban citizenship, they cannot cross here.”

“There are a lot of people who come here from El Salvador, Guatemala who are in acute renal failure, they cannot walk. There are some who have come with cirrhosis of the liver. I’ve seen some patients who are almost at the point of dying with the cirrhosis that they have,” the medical professional stated. “The time and resources it takes up to treat them is massive.”

“A lot of these children come over here sick, you don’t catch the flu overnight, there’s an incubation period. A lot of these kids are already sick coming here. Right now, at least 2 percent are being taken up by people who are coming here illegally, somehow someway they do have insurance. We’re guessing that as soon as they come over here they get some kind of insurance, whatever they are not given we have to foot the bill here, and they are illnesses they have had for a while,” the professional stated.

Big League Politics has previously confirmed with border watcher Jim Benvie that illegal migrants obtain insurance and EBT cards upon gaining access to the United States.

“There have been some women who have come forward who said they were raped…in the end you have to believe they were because of the damage done to them, either vaginally or anally,” the professional stated.

“When they cross over, you see them land…being transported in these huge buses, they don’t have to go through TSA, they get escorted and go first. What they need to do is it has to be like Ellis Island, they need to vet these people and quarantine.”

I reported: Jim Benvie is a border watcher who leads fellow concerned citizens in peacefully stopping migrants who invade the United States over the southern border. Benvie’s videos from the border can be found on his Facebook page. Benvie is the leader of the Guardian Patriots and has been especially active in the El Paso, Texas region.

Benvie appeared on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox (6-8 PM Eastern on Sundays, to discuss the scourge of human trafficking and cartel activity on the Texas and New Mexico border, the ACLU’s quest to fight citizen watchers, and the deep possibly irreversible corruption of our American political system.



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