Britain Kicks the Bums Out by Unveiling New Skill-Based Immigration System

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, the United Kingdom announced a new change in immigration policy that would bar unskilled immigrants from entering the country.
Under new requirements, migrants must be able to speak English and hold a job.
According to Home Secretary Priti Patel, the new policy will make it easier for “the brightest and the best from around the world” to enter the country, declaring it a “historic moment for the whole country.”
This plan will go into effect on January 1, 2021, which intends to reduce the UK’s reliance on low-skilled” migrants and incentivize companies to develop technology and automation.
It encourages firms to hire foreigners “with greatest talents,” such as “scientists, engineers, academics and other highly-skilled workers,” according to the government’s document marketing this policy.
“We need to shift the focus of our economy away from a reliance on cheap labor from Europe and instead concentrate on investment in technology and automation,” the Home Office announced.
Patel claimed in a number of TV and radio interviews Wednesday that businesses need to concentrate on hiring “economically inactive” British-born adults between the ages of 16 and 64, rather than importing immigrants.
According to a report from The Guardian, the Home secretary called on firms to focus their resources on British natives and “up their skills and make their skills relevant.”
The immigration policy will revamp current rules and establish a “points-based” system, where migrants must meet certain requirements which include employment and language proficiency before they can stay in the U.K for longer periods time, according to the government’s official policy paper.
Migrants must be able to speak English, while also proving they have a job offer from a known employer with a minimum 25,600 pound (roughly $33,000) salary.
Before Brexit took place, European Union citizens were allowed to freely move between countries, but under the U.K.’s new policy, that freedom of movement would be eliminated.
A substantial portion of Britain’s foreign workforce comes from Eastern Europe and they are generally involved in the food processing, hospitality, construction, kitchen work and elderly care sectors. At least 3.2 million European Union residents already living in the U.K. would still be allowed to stay and work.
Johnson is expected to introduce this bill next month.