Bronze Age Pervert Exposes Conservative Inc. Operatives Doxxing Pro-Trump Nationalists and Populists
The Bronze Age Pervert, the masculinist philosopher whose real identity is not widely known to the public, is exposing Conservative Inc. operatives looking to dox pro-Trump nationalists and populists to enforce ideological conformity on behalf of globalist special interests.
“J. Arthur Bloom, now editor at “American Conservative” has long been running a dox ring in DC that targets nationalists and people in Trump admin,” BAP announced in a Tweet that he called a public service announcement.
BAP claims that Bloom is working with Kantbot, a social media philosopher with cult following, to dox figures that are believed to be dangerous to the Conservative Inc. establishment.
“I don’t like e-drama and in particular elevating nobodies like Bloom: last time I mentioned him people didn’t know who he was. I ignored both him and Kbot before this. But it’s worth doing this to warn not only other frogs but also other normal conservatives, nationalists,” BAP wrote in a subsequent tweet.
BAP provided some screen shots to back up his assertion that Bloom is an operative tasked with doxxing right-wing dissidents:
A lot more will be coming but here is Bloom trying to get me repeatedly to FOIA myself. Including the nonsensical request that I should NOT have a friend do it: the reason this is significant is because FOIA requests are themselves subject to FOIA. It's a way to confirm a dox.
— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) October 3, 2020
Bloom is also the one who tried to shop Katie McHugh's doxing story to the Atlantic and the Spectator. As a result of McHugh's smears and dox info, many conservatives and nationalists in the Trump admin have been targeted and fired. I think one was at DHS, etc.
— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) October 3, 2020
In response to BAP’s accusations, Bloom responded with what appears to be a threat of a dox:
Big League Politics has reported on the Conservative Inc. purge of pro-Trump forces, which has even resulted in best selling author Michelle Malkin being targeted by the right-wing cancel culture mob:
Right-wing commentator Michelle Malkin is being targeted by Conservative Inc. – the billionaire-funded operative class that keeps the conservative movement from actually conserving anything – for cancellation with similar tactics and rhetoric that are regularly deployed by the far left.
Malkin drew the ire of Conservative Inc. after she gave a defiant speech last week where she applauded “America First” patriots who were challenging speakers such as Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, Never Trump cheerleader Ben Shapiro, and neoconservative Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX)…
Malkin gave the speech to the UCLA chapter of the Young America’s Foundation (YAF), which released a statement afterward that looks as if it was written by a staffer with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)…
YAF’s denunciation of Malkin comes while other Conservative Inc. operatives throw her under the bus. It is clear that the paymasters in charge have sent the order that it is time to lead a politically-correct witch hunt against Malkin, in a shameful example of right-wing cancel culture in action…
In an attempt to smear her as a racist, disgraced and irrelevant pollster Frank Luntz pointed to Malkin’s support of Paul Nehlen’s Congressional campaign against House Speaker Paul Ryan…
Trump-hating pundit Jonah Goldberg, who was run out of the National Review, chided Malkin for not prostrating herself at the behest of Conservative Inc…
Self-described LGBT conservative Brad Polumbo, a Washington Examiner commentator, called for Malkin to be castigated by the entire conservative movement despite her years of hard work and excellence…
Drag queen defender David French struck Malkin while defending the railroading of the Proud Boys who were recently sentenced to years in prison for defending their rights against ANTIFA in the New York City streets…
While the “America First” patriots asking pointed questions at campus events can certainly be incendiary and offensive at times, they have made quite a substantial impact in a short period of time.
The ramifications of their grassroots agitation against Conservative Inc. are just starting being seen, as phony conservatives are forced to adopt ANTIFA-style tactics to ward the insurgents off. This is only the beginning, as the “America First” patriots vow much more of the same in the months and years to come.
BAP deserves praise for highlighting phonies who are attempting to enforce thought control over the conservative movement.