BUSTED: Another Drag Queen Sexual Predator Found Grooming Children in Texas Elementary School

Another sexual predator has been found grooming children at a “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in Texas, this time at an elementary school in Austin.
David Robinson, whose drag queen name is Miss Kitty Litter ATX, read stories to children at the Blackshear Fine Arts Academy on Oct. 7. The school district apparently knew about Robinson’s record as a sex offender before allowing him to speak to the children while cross-dressing as well.
Robinson told school librarian Roger Grape that he feared he would not pass a background check because “the guidelines for submission automatically disqualify me if the deferred adjudication for prostitution is considered a conviction… so I don’t know if [it’s] ethical to submit,” according to internal documents within the school.
Oddly enough, he was allowed to speak to the children. The Austin Intermediate School District (AISD) assured parents that Robinson was properly screened despite his history as a sex offender.
“According to emails sent to parents,” Texas Values points out, “the reading event was scheduled to take place at 11 a.m. and all readers had been screened by Austin ISD.”
Previously, an Austin school on the other side of the district featured a drag queen who put make-up on children all day despite not being licensed to do so. The most liberal city in Texas seems to be emerging as a vanguard for the pedo-acceptance movement.
In October, the AISD approved new sexual education standards called a “dream scenario for pedophiles” that give children pointers on how to perform anal sex and encouraging them to get abortions without their parental consent.
Big League Politics reported on the Gomorrah-esque hellscape that is developing in the Lone Star State:
The Austin Independent School District (AISD) approved the standards unanimously last month. At the meeting where it was approved, over 100 people made their voices heard about the standards. Pro-child advocates faced off with depraved LGBT activists, who are delighted about the success of their efforts to corrupt the souls of the youth.
One page from the new sex ed standards will give children tips about the best way to have anal sex. It tells children to eschew myths about anal sex, and that “if you get ready the right way, it doesn’t need to hurt and won’t cause health issues,” adding that “many people enjoy it!”
Another page from the new sex ed standards encourages children to receive birth control and abortions without their parents’ consent.
“After you turn 14, you can get medical care like birth control, STI tests, and abortions without your parents finding out. It’s confidential and you don’t need their permission!” the curriculum explains.
The AISD had to scrap its previous sex ed plan because it had been formed in conjunction with abortion providers, which was made illegal by the state legislature in 2018. They decided to instead consult with LGBT-rights groups to evade the ban. Planned Parenthood is very pleased at the results.
“On behalf of Planned Parenthood and our review of these lessons, they are LGBTQ inclusive and comprehensive and we support all your efforts in leadership tonight,” said Sarah Wheat, chief external affairs officer for Planned Parenthood in Texas.
Two other sexual predators were found to be administering “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in Houston earlier this year.