Buzzfeed Reporter Who Targeted 14-Year-Old YouTube Star Refuses To Apologize For ‘Kill A White Man’ Tweet, Plays Victim
Buzzfeed reporter Joel Bernstein, who earlier this week wrote an article slamming Soph, a 14-year-old YouTube star who specializes in social commentary videos, today acknowledged for a 2014 tweet in which he instructed followers to “kill a white man.”
Bernstein’s statement came in the form of a six paragraph essay posted to Twitter. He used the platform to explain why his 2014 tweet was not meant to be offensive, and should not be taken literally.
“Like many misguided people, I sometimes try to be funny on this site,” wrote Bernstein. “One such example came in October, 2014,” when he says he wrote the tweet in response to an article titled “The Straight, White, Middle-Class Man Needs to Be Dethroned”.
Bernstein tweeted, “KILL a white man on your way to work tomorrow.”
He claims this tweet was used in “a very successful campaign by trolls” to cast him as “a radical identitarian leftwing activist.” He vehemently denies this.
“I am not a radical ideologist activist of any type,” wrote Bernstein, after noting that he is “very interested in ideologies and the role they play in digital spaces.”
Bernstein also characterized those who used the now-deleted tweet against him as anti-Semitic.
“I notice as I look down at forearms the color of English sand, I am a white man – a fact I suppose many of the hugely anti-Semitic people spreading this troll would dispute because of my religion.”
Bernstein is leading the charge to deplatform Soph, a 14-year-old YouTube content creator who creates highly satirical videos poking fun of many of the societal issues of our day.
In just another day for the dumpster fire that is Buzzfeed “News,” activist “journalist” Joe Bernstein wrote up an article targeting a 14-year old girl who makes YouTube videos for the crime of having right-wing political views.
The article, titled “YouTube’s Newest Far-Right, Foul-Mouthed, Red-Pilling Star Is A 14-Year-Old Girl,” describes a YouTuber going by the name “Soph,” who makes videos with social commentary about current events and culture, often filled with vulgar language one wouldn’t expect to come from a 14-year old girl.
Bernstein quickly makes his reason for publishing the article clear, seeming to make a call for her removal from the platform in his sub-title, writing: “‘Soph’ has nearly a million followers on the giant video platform. The site’s executives only have themselves to blame.”
The Buzzfeed writer, who apparently does not like it when his statements are used out of context, did precisely that to the 14-year-old YouTube star.