CAIR Tries To Get Human Rights Commission To Investigate Laura Loomer

Journalist Laura Loomer is the target of a campaign by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to investigate her for human rights violations because she said that she avoids Muslim Uber drivers due to numerous terrorist incidents and threats involving Muslim individuals. CAIR is pressing the New York City Commission on Human Rights to investigate Loomer.

Loomer this week scored a viral hit with her Big League Politics video confronting Rep. Maxine Waters regarding Waters’ call for Democrats to physically intimidate Trump officials in public. Waters, who said that the early-’90s L.A. riots represented “the voice of the unheard,” repeatedly struck Loomer, prompting Loomer to file a police report against the California congresswoman. (WATCH THE VIDEO HERE)

Now, CAIR New York is claiming that Loomer violated the law by discriminating against Muslim drivers for Uber, a sponsor of the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — where rival taxi cabs were chased away for many blocks around the venue.

As any legal expert knows, Loomer, a Jew, could not have possibly broken any law anywhere in the United States of America because no law can impede on Constitutional religious liberty protection and the personal liberty to not be forced to get into a car with an Uber driver if a person does not want to.

Look at this acknowledgment in CAIR’s own statement: “The Supreme Court may be willing to ignore anti-Muslim bias, but our city must remain committed to fighting bigotry,” said CAIR-NY Legal Director Albert Cahn….”

The New York City Commission on Human Rights is an eight-member council presided over by left-wing mayor Bill de Blasio.

Here is part of CAIR’s statement:

(NEW YORK, NY, 6/28/2018) – The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY), a leading Muslim civil rights group, today issued a referral letter to the NYC Commission on Human Rights asking the commission to investigate whether Laura Loomer, a conservative commentator and creator of “ambush” videos, violated New York City Human Rights Laws prohibiting discriminatory boycotts, blacklists and related practices…

“On November 1st, 2017, at 8:40 a.m., Loomer tweeted, “I’m late to the NYPD press conference because I couldn’t find a non Muslim[sic] cab or @Uber @Lyft driver for over 30 min! This is insanity.”

Later that day she posted, “Someone needs to create a non Islamic [sic] form of @uber or @lyft because I never want to support another Islamic immigrant driver” and “I generally try to not support Muslim owned business companies [sic] here in NY.”

These statements, if true, suggest that Loomer refused or cancelled rides when she perceived the driver was Muslim. Loomer has expressed similar sentiments in recent months. Last month, she tweeted that Uber drivers “commit terror attacks and rape on the daily.” In early June, she tweeted asking how many people are “going to be killed in Jihad” by Uber drivers…”

CAIR passage ends

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