California County Wants to Bribe People Out of their Homes and Replace Them with Hobos
According to CBS SF BAYArea, “All three properties have one thing in common. They’re big and have multiple units, but many of those units are currently occupied by tenants.”
“I’m sure the tenants have been asked to leave,” Allen Thomas commented. He lives close to one of the three properties, 811 Davis Street in Santa Rosa.
Neighbors said it’s a bad idea to evict renters to house the homeless.
“It’s just insanity,” declared Karen Sanders, who also resides in Santa Rosa.
Sonoma County leaders have plans on buying two properties in Santa Rosa and one in Cotati. They are expected to pay approximately one million dollars for each property. One county worker noted that they’re already contracted to buy property on Davis Street.
“Million dollar homes; million dollar homes for these transients living on the trail,” Sanders stated.
The county wants to clear the Joe Rodota Trail of the homeless. Many neighbors where those three properties are located worry that the new neighbors could potentially make the neighborhoods less safe and reduce the overall quality of life.
“I’m not NIMBY, but we’ve done enough,” declared Sher Ennis, a neighbor who lives close the Davis street property.
Davis claims a man from a re-entry housing program attacked her home a few years ago. She is concerned about her safety.
“We don’t know. Are we getting dangerous criminals? Are we getting felons? Or are we getting people who are simply down on their luck,” said Ennis.
However, another neighbor is in favor of the county’s plan.
“I don’t think that it makes [the neighborhood] any less safe, no,” said Andrew Atkinson.
He believes that the county must take immediate action
“It’s going to take more than this, I think, to solve the problem. But I’m glad to see they’re trying,” said Atkinson.
Many upset neighbors have plans to express their concerns at a community meeting Friday night in Santa Rosa.
County leaders plan on discussing about the plan to buy the houses and other housing alternatives in dealing with the homeless.