Canadian Health ‘Experts’ Suggest Up to Two Weeks of Mental Torture and Solitary Confinement for Kids Diagnosed with COVID-19

Canadian medical “experts” with Peel Health are aggressively backtracking after suggesting for parents to inflict solitary confinement upon children for up to two weeks if they are diagnosed with COVID-19.
The guidelines which have sparked widespread anger have since been removed from the Peel Health page, and state health officials are being forced to backtrack their latest COVID-19 overreach to violate the rights of children.
The initial flier that was given to children in schools can be seen here:
There are some actual medical experts with ethics, decency and common sense who are speaking out against these ghastly policies to inflict mental torture upon children.
“This does not seem practically possible and is highly likely to cause harm to children who would already be experiencing considerable distress with having to remain at home,” Dr. Tess Clifford, who works as director for the Psychology Clinic at Queen’s University, said to the Toronto Sun.
“I don’t understand how any healthcare professional has moved so far away from the fundamentals of public health and of doing no harm that they would think that basically incarcerating a child in a room for 14 days is in any way justified,” said Dr. Martha Fulford, who works as an infectious diseases physician with Hamilton Health Sciences.
“This is shocking, especially when you consider this is being proposed for children who are not in any way sick,” she added.
Brampton, Ont. Mayor Patrick Brown wrote in a tweet on Sunday that the guidelines would be revised after the outcry of anger.
“Public Health must ensure the best interests of children & families are at the centre of recommendations,” Brown wrote. “They must be based on science with evidence for all to see. I am relieved to hear from Dr [Lawrence] Loh that this mistake is being fixed & this flyer is being removed from circulation.”
Public Health must ensure the best interest of children & families are at the centre of recommendations. They must be based on science with evidence for all to see. I am relieved to hear from Dr Loh that this mistake is being fixed & this flyer is being removed from circulation.
— Patrick Brown (@patrickbrownont) March 1, 2021
While Brown is downplaying the guidelines as a mere mistake, parents who have been deceived about the COVID-19 scamdemic for over a year now are no longer buying the spin. They now understand that mealy-mouthed bureaucratic weasels are deliberately punishing the people for the purposes of leftist social control.
Shouldn’t have gone out to begin with! Only being fixed due to the outrage!
— luvs2travel (@6SoccerMom6) March 1, 2021
Please add that #lockdowns & #facemasks also are not based on science. Many thanks.
— Newsbreak Canada (@NewsbreakCanada) March 1, 2021
This is already happening. They didn't admit a mistake , they just got caught.
— ChipChip2000_IP (@chip2000_chip) March 1, 2021
This is absolutely egregious incompetence.
Isolating children? For 2 weeks?
Why do we always tolerate this utter idiocy from government?
Everyone in that decision path needs to be fired.
— Jay BTC Lee (@JayLee95079503) March 1, 2021
Mayor Brown, it's appalling that the media had to call them out for 3 consecutive days on this prior to a change being made. This should not have happened and I hope you're looking into it. If media hadn't raised it – it would have stayed in. Unacceptable
— Linda_T ???????? (@t7_linda) March 1, 2021
This entire Covid situation needs to be "fixed"…the sooner the better. Eventually one law or another will catch up with all the perpetrators and their supporters.
— BEEHEMOTH ⏳ (@surveyorX) March 1, 2021
The stakes are too high for mistakes. Where else have they made mistakes? You know how a doctor covers their mistakes? 6ft of dirt.
— Backbencher Politics (@BackbencherPoli) March 1, 2021
Even after a year of nonstop fear porn from the mass media and every China-backed corporation going along with the lies, the masses still desire to be free and are rejecting COVID-19 tyranny. This is not good news for the globalists whose cruel policies are becoming violently unpopular among the common people.