Catholic Leaders Urge ‘Canonical Consequences’ for Pope’s ‘Heresy’ in Scathing Letter

The resistance against Pope Francis, who has used his powerful position atop the Catholic Church to promote Marxism, is growing among his ranks.

Many of the top clergymen and scholars have signed a letter to Pope Francis accusing him of heresy and urge Bishops to “take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation.”

“We take this measure as a last resort to respond to the accumulating harm caused by Pope Francis’s words and actions over several years, which have given rise to one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church,” the signatories wrote.

“We limit ourselves to accusing him of heresy on occasions where he has publicly denied truths of the faith, and then consistently acted in a way that demonstrates that he disbelieves these truths that he has publicly denied,” the letter continued.

The letter was signed by some of the most influential Catholic minds in the world, including Fr. Aidan Nichols, a renowned theologian. The signatories wanted to make it clear that they did not take these measures lightly.

“We limit ourselves to accusing him of heresy on occasions where he has publicly denied truths of the faith, and then consistently acted in a way that demonstrates that he disbelieves these truths that he has publicly denied,” the authors wrote.

“We assert that this would be impossible, since it would be incompatible with the guidance given to the Church by the Holy Spirit,” they continued.

They pointed to the following Pope Francis quote as an egregious example of heresy:

“A Christian believer can have full knowledge of a divine law and voluntarily choose to break it in a serious matter, but not be in a state of mortal sin as a result of this action.”

They urge the Bishops to take immediate action.

“Despite the evidence that we have put forward in this letter, we recognise that it does not belong to us to declare the pope guilty of the delict of heresy in a way that would have canonical consequences for Catholics,” the letter stated.

Nevertheless, they feel the matter is rather cut and dried.

“It is beyond a doubt that he promotes and spreads heretical views on these points. Promoting and spreading heresy provides sufficient grounds in itself for an accusation of the delict of heresy. There is, therefore, superabundant reason for the bishops to take the accusation of heresy seriously and to try to remedy the situation,” the signatories wrote.

“If – which God forbid! – Pope Francis does not bear the fruit of true repentance in response to these admonitions, we request that you carry out your duty of office to declare that he has committed the canonical delict of heresy and that he must suffer the canonical consequences of this crime,” they added.

As Pope Francis tries to remedy a pedophilia crisis in his church that he helped enable, he is encountering significant push-back from some of the most respected Catholics in the world. He may want to consider stepping down before further scandal can emerge.

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